Rainbow Six Siege is one of the top-tier tactical shooting video games, and the game levels are quite difficult to overcome. R6 has its fondly called, consisting of seven ranks divided into 23 sub-tiers. While playing the R6 game, the player needs to aim higher to get a better grade point, which is known as the MMR (matchmaking rating). Sometime, the game point can be achieved through R6 boosting (Rainbow Six Siege).

The MMR is made up of the cumulative wins and losses encountered in the game with the aid of an algorithm. Rainbow Six Siege is not an individual game, so ranking up can be a tall order, especially when playing against higher levels.

Four years after its launch, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege continues to be one of the most exciting and most-plated PC games. Rainbow Six Siege hit a record of 55 million monthly users in May 2019. The publisher; Ubisoft, announced earnings of 1.1 billion in sales, and it’s one of the top games on the leading PC market stream. Rainbow Six Siege is considered one of the bright spots of the Ubisoft development portfolio.

R6 consists of seven ranks. This rank level includes copper, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, and champion. These rank levels determine the ratings of the players and how they boost their skill-set and MMR. The video game is structured in a way whereby the player is never left out of the action. 

When a player is killed, he would be drafted to the support team, which could be drone support or spectator mode, which allows the players to observe the match from different angles. The game has a variety of modes aside from the ones listed above to help the player improve their playing prowess. This is an intricate part of the overall gameplay added by the developer.

Boosting MMR in the R6 Game

You can boost your MMR ranking in Rainbow Six Siege through a series of tactical actions. In this aspect of the post, we’ll enlighten you on quick ways to quickly boost your MMR.

Hire a Reliable Booster

Boosting services have been employed in making the multiplayer game experience worthwhile for gamers across the globe. When encountering a difficult level or when it’s taking so long to get through and attain new ranks. Then you need professional gamers who can aid your playing and facilitate victories on your behalf. An experience R6 booster can help you boost MMR during gameplay.

Player’s Skill

While you play the video game, your playing techniques and skills should be on point. The skill set of the teams matched would determine the outcome of the game. If a team is matched against a less skilled team then the outcome would be in the favor of the team with a higher marginal skill difference. In Rainbow Six Siege, the algorithm assigns two values to players based on their skill and the uncertainty of the estimation to level the playing field. An improved skill set leads to an advantage in boosting MMR and acing all R6 game stages with better game points. 


The estimation of skill in Rainbow Six Siege is based on probability in general, so information on the skill set of a player is determined as more games are played. The more games won, the higher the confidence, which is represented by the sigma value. 

Game Match Outcome

The MMR is determined by the outcome of the game. If the player loses against a lower-ranked player his rank is affected but a different outcome is achieved. If the player beats a higher ranked player there would be a considerable boost in the MMR of the player. These outcomes also play a role in boosting the skill set of the player and vice versa.

Game Points

Boosting MMR in rainbow six sieges can be tasking because gaining 300 points might require ten consecutive wins. Getting 400 points needs more than ten wins. This could be difficult to achieve since the player could be paired with players that are not so good.

To play ranked and boost games players must have attained level 50 or more to boost the progression of the game. Players must play up to ten games to attain maximum skill and unlock a level. This would ensure the system can provide appropriate level badges for the rank level attained. Consecutive wins mean a higher rank, but losses mean starting at the entry-level of the game.

Team Collaborative Effort

MMR gain is very complex because it’s not solely dependent on one R6 player. More points can be acquired by beating higher-level players and there would be a loss of points when the player or his team losses. Other factors like having a cheater on your team, getting kicked, or abandoning the game might lead to rank adjustment, which could be for improvement in the development of the player or retrogression in the growth of the player.


The game received praise from critics on its release, praising the game designs and overall tensions, hence its acceptance and growth. One of the outstanding aspects of the game is its destructive environments, design, and teamwork. This drives the narrative and helps build ranks in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. 

The game can be time-consuming though, but the experience is worth it. Over the years, the number of monthly players has increased. This demonstrates further proof of the acceptance the game. It should be noted that like every other competitive platform some players would try everything to boost their MMR. 

Some might even cheat but this is no longer a problem the developers have looked into ways to ensure a hitch-free experience for everyone so the attainment of ranks and boosting of MMR moving forward would be earned in a legit way.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!