The GBHBL Definitive Ranking of David DeCoteau’s The Brotherhood Movie Series

Depending on your tastes, you’ll either smile or grimace when you see a movie with David DeCoteau as a director. He is often involved in some of the cheapest and trashiest horror of a certain era but by-goodness, does his work stand out.

Perhaps his most famous movies are The Brotherhood movies. A series of homoerotic horrors that began in 2001 and ended in 2009, with six movies in the series overall. Six middling and flawed movies where not even one can be called a worthwhile watch, even if some have entertaining moments.

We’ve watched them all, reviewed them all, and are now going to give you our definitive ranking based on their review scores. As always, should two movies have the same score, their ranking will be decided by which film we’d rather watch again.

So pop that shirt off, rub some baby oil on, and get ready to join one of the many secret societies that exist in this series.

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6 – The Brotherhood VI: Initiation (2009)
Our Score: 2/10

Featuring the dullest story yet, The Brotherhood VI: Initiation sees a bunch of young men go to a secluded cabin in the woods as part of their fraternity initiation. There’s a killer about though, and whoever it is seems to have revenge in mind.

Or something like that. It’s so hard to stay interested in any aspect of The Brotherhood VI: Initiation. The lack of effort is startling, even by this franchise’s standards and all anyone will really remember is the sight of young, jacked men wandering around in the woods in their underpants.

For all the previous film’s faults, and there are many, it always felt like David DeCoteau was trying. Based off how poor this film is, it’s for the best that franchise seems to have died away now. Read our full review here.

5 – The Brotherhood V: Alumni (2009)
Our Score: 2/10

While it might be the fifth film in the series, The Brotherhood V: Alumni marks a tone shift for the franchise. One that borrows heavily from the likes of I Know What You Did Last Summer.

Not only that, the supernatural elements of the series was a major component of what made them stand out, aside from the homoerotic elements. So, to see this franchise turn into nothing more than a sub-standard slasher flick, is disappointing.

Happily, it’s as gay as always. In fact, thanks to one particular scene, it is the gayest yet. In a first for the franchise, this movie actually has openly gay characters. Talk about a step forward! It’s just a pity that everywhere else is such a step back. Read our full review here.

4 – The Brotherhood III: Young Demons (2002)
Our Score: 3/10

Changing up the formula for something a little more horror, this entry is extremely weak and not befitting of the ‘b-movie’ name that DeCoteau is so famous for.

Beyond boring, that’s the over-riding thought that The Brotherhood III: Young Demons leaves you with. Where the sight and sound of barely fleshed out characters wandering poorly light halls while a hooded figure stalks them with all the energy of a sloth, is all the movie has to offer. Even the elements that makes this series so famous, the homoerotic elements, are neutered. Read our full review here.

3 – The Brotherhood (2001)
Our Score: 5.5

The Brotherhood is so dated now, hilariously dated, not just with the visuals and music either. It is a time capsule of the late 90s and early 00s in America. From frosted tips to bead necklaces, to sunglasses indoors, red solo cups, and every other cliché that exemplifies the American Pie generation. It’s kind of delightful, especially as David DeCoteau knows how to cover it all with a delightful level of campiness.

The story is standard stuff and doesn’t exactly thrill and that extends to the characters, played by middling actors with no real direction, outside of ‘make that scene gayer.’

The Brotherhood is not a good movie but it is an enjoyable one. That’s high praise for a David DeCoteau movie. Read our full review here.

2 – The Brotherhood II: Young Warlocks (2001)
Our Score: 6/10

Released the same year as the first movie, The Brotherhood II: Young Warlocks is a slight improvement over the original movie. Thanks to an increase in entertaining elements, even if it is so similar to the first movie that notable differences are hard to find.

Light on horror, average acting, awkward dialogue, and an overall low-budget sheen that dates the movie significantly, The Brotherhood II: Young Warlocks shouldn’t be enjoyable. Yet, it rises above all these issues to keep the viewer engaged and entertained throughout. Read our full review here.

1 – The Brotherhood IV: The Complex (2005)
Our Score: 6.5/10

The middling homoerotic horror series that is The Brotherhood hits a high with The Brotherhood IV: The Complex. Stepping out of the mediocre shadow of the films that came before it to deliver one of the more competent and enjoyable entries in the series so far.

What stops The Brotherhood IV: The Complex being a great movie is that it has far too many scenes that alternate between being long and being utter filler. Neither does the pacing of the story any favours and could easily be responsible for turning many viewers off this latest Brotherhood experience.

Overall though? It’s one of the most entertaining entries in the series so far, and even with the low bar set by the previous films, tries that much harder to be memorable. Read our full review here.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

The Definitive Ranking of David DeCoteau's The Brotherhood Movie Series
  • The Brotherhood VI: Initiation (2009) - 2/10
  • The Brotherhood V: Alumni (2009) - 2/10
  • The Brotherhood III: Young Demons (2002) - 3/10
  • The Brotherhood (2001) - 5.5/10
  • The Brotherhood II: Young Warlocks (2001) - 6/10
  • The Brotherhood IV: The Complex (2005) - 6.5/10
User Review
  • Sending
    The Brotherhood VI: Initiation (2009)
  • Sending
    The Brotherhood V: Alumni (2009)
  • Sending
    The Brotherhood III: Young Demons (2002)
  • Sending
    The Brotherhood (2001)
  • Sending
    The Brotherhood II: Young Warlocks (2001)
  • Sending
    The Brotherhood IV: The Complex (2005)