Horror Movie Review: Yeti (2020)
Directed by Jamaal Burden, written by J.D. Ellis and starring Katrina Mattson, Amy Gordon and Robert Berlin. Yeti aka Abominable is a low-budget entry in the killer Yeti sub-genre.
Directed by Jamaal Burden, written by J.D. Ellis and starring Katrina Mattson, Amy Gordon and Robert Berlin. Yeti aka Abominable is a low-budget entry in the killer Yeti sub-genre.
Frostbite is the title of British author, Dave Jeffery’s most recent release. Published in June 2017 through Severed Press, a backlog of books to read meant it has taken until now for me to finally get my head buried in it.
Ripping off the 2004 free flash player game Yetisports , Yeti 5in1 is a disgraceful attempt to earn quick money by offering a broken & pointless experience.