Single Slam: Three Leaves/Green Memories by Trippy Wicked & the Cosmic Children of the Knight

Trippy Wicked & the Cosmic Children of the Knight are back with the digital double A side single ‘Three Leaves’ and ‘Green Memories’ out on April 20th 2020.

Three Leaves is a stoner doom homage to the cult classic movie ‘Friday’ and the song has been a permanent fixture in the band’s live set for several years.

Green Memories is the first new music written and released since the longest serving line up of Pete Holland, Chris West and Dicky King announced they were playing together again in early 2019.

Drummer Chris West commented:

Originally we were just going to release Three Leaves as a single on its own. We’ve been recording songs for an album and we’re getting down everything we’ve been working on including some songs not set for the album. Green Memories wasn’t going to be on that and once we started working on it, it became one of those songs that grows to be greater than the sum of its parts. The direction of the band’s sound is a touch darker since we started jamming and writing again and we wanted to share something new with fans as soon as we could.

Of the two tracks, it’s certainly Three Leaves that stands out more. The opening feedback, the heavy and tripped out fuzz… it’s stoner doom at its best. The sound of a whirlwind of buzzing flies consuming your mind, body and soul. That it’s kind of catchy and certainly rhythmic as hell is just a bonus.

Green Memories many not have the same gut punch but certainly isn’t lacking in quality. At over 8 minutes, it’s Trippy Wicked & the Cosmic Children of the Knight really exploring their doom sound. Covered completely with their incredible fuzzy rumbles.


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Three Leaves/Green Memories by Trippy Wicked & the Cosmic Children of the Knight
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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