Single Slam: Tribulation, Shiva May Care, To the Grave, Broken Jaw, Acres, Under Blackened Skies, ALT BLK ERA, paradise fell, Diverted Disorder, Forever Ends Here, Arx Atrata, newshapes, Within the Ruins, Kath and the Kicks, Gravenoire, Mimi Barks, Leprous, and Hacktivist!

Today’s single slam features Tribulation, Shiva May Care, To the Grave, Broken Jaw, Acres, Under Blackened Skies, ALT BLK ERA, paradise fell, Diverted Disorder, Forever Ends Here, Arx Atrata, newshapes, Within the Ruins, Kath and the Kicks, Gravenoire, Mimi Barks, Leprous, and Hacktivist. You can read our thoughts about the latest singles from these bands and listen to all the songs via our Single Slam playlist below.

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Tribulation – Saturn Coming Down

Swedish metal sensation Tribulation are back, and they have unleashed their new single ‘Saturn Coming Down’.

On the song, guitarist Adam Zaars comments:

‘Saturn Coming Down’ is a song that creeps up on you and that hopefully gets thoroughly under your skin. It’s a taste of the new musical areas we’ve charted that’s taken us to places we’ve never ventured into before. An ode to a very old titan who constantly seems to be lurking behind our backs.

As many of you will know we have always striven to push our own musical boundaries and to let the music change and grow with us, and vice versa, and to carve out our own niche in metal in general and in our own musical landscape in particular. ‘Saturn Coming Down’ is the next stage in that ongoing process. It’s a song about Saturn and our various interpretations and imaginings of him throughout the millennia. Helping us with visualising this we had the pleasure of working with Brendan McGowan who really outdid himself with this video. We also had help from our friend Damón Zurawski who shot us here in Sweden. We couldn’t be happier with the result! Death is the way of the world!

The ever-evolving face of Tribulation is on clear display here and they can never be accused of stagnating. This new single, clean and goth-infused, with tons of atmosphere and some groovy elements, is certainly intriguing. Becoming more balanced as it goes on, especially as the mind gets used to the melodies and chorus. It’s an interesting listen and creates some anticipation for what the long term future holds for Tribulation.

Shiva May Care – Falling Down

Brit rock ‘n’ rockers Shiva May Care announce themselves with their fiery new single and video, ‘Falling Down’. The track is lifted from the forthcoming new EP, Sound System Kaliyuga!, out later this year.

Super groovy, filled with so much vitality, and a ton of fun, Shiva May Care’s new single is an emphatic body-shaker that is pure catchiness from beginning to end. A slightly rougher and rawer edge is the cherry on top of one hell of a banging rock tune. Check it out here.

To the Grave – Dead Wrong (feat. Michael Kearney of Empty Cages)

Australian deathcore powerhouse and ardent animal rights activists, To the Grave, have announced their highly anticipated new album. Titled ‘Everyone’s A Murderer’, the band’s third full length album is scheduled for release on 30th August via Unique Leader Records. In celebration of the announcement, they’ve also shared a music video for new single ‘Dead Wrong’, which features Empty Cages’ Michael Kearney.

Speaking on the band’s first offering from this next chapter, To the Grave’s incendiary vocalist, Dane Evans shares:

Two solos from the dogs and hard riffs, we knew this had to be a single as soon as we made it. Getting Mike on it was a must after we fell in love with Empty Cages listening to their record on tour in the states and he killed it. The chorus for this one really pulled through and stitched it all together, for a while we didn’t know what was going to go there and tried a few things but this was the first attempt at this style on the album and that take made the record.

A new chapter brings with it plenty of that familiar To the Grave heaviness, but with advancing intensity. This is a beast of a track with some killer flair, namely a blistering guitar solo and riotous breakdown. Michael Kearney of Empty Cages fits perfectly, adding even more garishness to the touches of hardcore punk that are figuratively thrown in. It’s a banger. Check it out here.

Broken Jaw – Pineapple Pizza (feat. Jordan Ebanks of Nameless)

Broken Jaw’s new single ‘Pineapple Pizza’ is not only a mouth opener but an eye opener too, what with it pointing out the sheer ridiculousness, pointlessness and never-ending debate, about what people like to eat. The song is a two-sided coin of “against” or “for” which culminates up into the chorus of, who actually cares? The band says:

If you’re fortunate enough to get the choice then just shut the f*** up, open your mouth and f****** chew.

The song is split into two sides, with one being against. One being for, which meant that the band decided early on before recording the song, that they thought it best to make this a duet and so while the band were out on the road performing headlining shows in 2023, they asked Jordan Ebanks of Nameless if he would be up for the task of taking on the Pineapple loving mantle and guest on the track. Of course, he was very happy to oblige.

The song is a poignant poke at the fact that people will pit against each other online and in person, about choices that they make, that don’t involve or affect anyone around them, causing sparks and feuds of hate, posting all kinds of argumentative, pointless s*** but when real-world issues take place, most of them will fail to stand up against it or even seemingly bother to acknowledge or fight for or against it? Instead, it’s who’s right or wrong for existing, trying to merely survive or exist or just trying to enjoy what they enjoy, not just pizza toppings. You can see this, from just looking at the two bands’ online PR stunt where they have caused a social media argument across their socials, to which people unwittingly and unknowingly, have fallen for, embroiling themselves in a pit of “them and us”. All the while, real-world situations happen.

Well, they got most of us with the social media argument and having got a s**t-ton of attention, they make sure to deliver one hell of banger track. Beginning in fast and furious fashion, the metallic side of Broken Jaw is on full and garish display. Yet, as we all know by now, this is just one side of the band and as it goes on, more punk infusions and groove arrive to make the track even more infectious. Jordan Ebanks of Nameless adds a hell of a lot to the overall crashing and smashing style. A right head banger of a track.

Acres – Lost

British metallers Acres who signed to Solid State/Tooth & Nail Records earlier this year, have dropped a brand new single, titled ‘Lost’.

Says vocalist Ben Lumber:

‘Lost’ is possibly one of my favourite Acres songs we’ve written to date, it came so naturally and the song almost wrote itself. A close friend of mine recently went through a tough breakup and he told me, ‘One day you can have everything you have ever wanted, and the next day, it’s gone,’ and that’s what I wrote this song about. We’ve all had shitty relationships, and when you feel so secure and safe with someone, it can all of a sudden disappear, leaving you feeling lost and vulnerable with no clue where to turn or what to even do.

Acres are changing, that much is clear based off this new track, and there is a strong sense that it comes from a more mature state of mind. Alas, while that is admirable and it is certainly affecting, it lacks bite, and for a band that could always be relied on for having plenty of that, that is disappointing. When it comes down to it, it’s just really generic sounding and no amount of passionately delivered vocals can make up for that. Check it out here.

Under Blackened Skies – Hollow Tyrant

After a decade-long hiatus, metal enthusiasts rejoice as Under Blackened Skies make their triumphant return with the release of their highly anticipated single, ‘Hollow Tyrant’. The band’s first brand new single in ten years comes alongside the announcement of their first live performance since 2015.

The revival is well and truly under way and if there were any doubts in any heads about the importance of Under Blackened Skies’ return, this new single will put those to bed. The return heralded by an explosive track that showcases brash heaviness, vast melodies, and no short amount of epic value. Every member of Under Blackened Skies is playing with such vitality, and it’s clear based off this track, that they’re hungrier than ever.

ALT BLK ERA – My Drummer’s Girlfriend

Genre defying sisters ALT BLK ERA have announced their highly anticipated debut album, ‘Rave Immortal’, set for release on 10th January via Earache Records. The duo – Nyrobi and Chaya – have also unveiled the first single taken from the record, ‘My Drummer’s Girlfriend’.

A story about challenges in friendship groups, Nyrobi and Chaya comment on the new single:

‘My Drummer’s Girlfriend’ is a song about new friendships and the problems a shift in dynamics can cause. I’m sure anyone listening to it will be able to think of that ONE person that they just don’t get on with, within a group setting.

Hyped to the point where they almost seemed destined to disappoint, ALT BLK ERA are doing a phenomenal job of shutting up any and all haters. Even if their indie rock, pop, and electronica-infused ways won’t please everyone. A track like this though? It’s easy enough to enjoy even if it’s not got anything about it that really stands out. Likable, catchy, and unique, which sums up ALT BLK ERA in general too. Check it out here.

paradise fell. – honest

London based, alternative artist paradise fell. has unveiled their brand-new single ‘honest.’ – the debut release on new record label ‘Fly Tip Records’, which has been born out of the rock department at Propeller Communications. paradise fell decided to release this poignant song during Men’s mental health month, tackling a topic that’s very close to front man Matty’s personal relationships in recent years.

Explains paradise fell.:

This song was born out of desperation. A need to be fully transparent with somebody and open up about all the dark brewing in your heads. A chance to see each other for who you both truly are. In a world where it’s easier not to talk and just struggle through your mental battles in silence, it became a cathartic song for me imagining staying up with a loved one all night, just to make it through the night together. Even when you know you can’t do anything to make it better, you want to just stay up and listen to them anyway. Sharing our deepest darkest fears. Showing all our truths. Trying to understand where it all went wrong.

A very relatable alternative anthem that shows the power and poise of paradise fell emphatically. Going down a more emotional route, the lack of complicated aspects allows the mind to fully focus on the distinct rhythms and hearty vocals, and then unexpectedly, it just erupts. It’s such a cool moment in a song that hits pretty damn hard overall. Check it out here.

Diverted Disorder – Serpent Queen

South Africa’s emerging metal powerhouse, Diverted Disorder, have released their latest single, ‘Serpent Queen’. This explosive track is a precursor to their highly anticipated second album set to drop in the near future.

A chunky head-banger that has a vein of rawness running through it and some delightful infectious moments. It’s a straight-forward heavy beast, until around the halfway point when it drops away into an ambient soundscape, before rising back up to hit an even more intense high. It’s certainly unexpected, but the meaty mania and layered ambience of what follows makes it so worth it. Check it out here.

Forever Ends Here – Unspoken

Sydney pop punk trio Forever Ends Here embark on a bright new beginning with their new single, ‘Unspoken’. The shimmering pop-punk tune reminisces on young love and missed opportunity, thinking back on a past relationship that never found the right moment to bloom.

Vocalist Luke McChesney shares:

‘Unspoken’ is about the realisation that you left it too long to open up to someone and missed the window to be together – knowing the other person felt the same, but you both left it unspoken and ended up in different places. I had to channel my teen self to match the energy of a coming-of-age pop-punk track, and I think this is something we all experienced in some capacity growing up. The secret crush that we’ll probably never talk about.

We do love a bit of pop-punk here, and a band like Forever Ends Here delivers all the heady goodness of the sound with aplomb on a track like this. Light and lovable, exciting and energetic, fun all the way through, and with plenty of heart-warming catchiness. It’s a great song.

Arx Atrata – A Reckoning

The new album from atmospheric black metal entity, Arx Atrata is nearly upon us, with A Reckoning set to be released on CD and digital formats on July 5th. Now, Ben Sizer, the man behind the music of Arx Atrata, presents a magnificent narrative video to accompany the album’s title track. Filmed beneath the boughs of ancient English woodland, the imagery and music entwining perfectly to create a captivating representation of the Arx Atrata creative vision.

Speaking about the new song and video Ben offered the following thoughts:

The lyrics of the new album tell a story through each song, and the title track ‘A Reckoning’ addresses the time where the main character learns for certain that the choices he and his people made were the wrong ones, and the consequences of those past deeds start to catch up with him. The video portrays this directly, offering a dramatic glimpse at this part of the narrative, set to one of the most immediate and memorable Arx Atrata songs so far.

Epic music from an epic artist, delivering another dazzling display of thick atmosphere, intense black metal, and emotional heft. A Reckoning is a very layered track, and Arx Atrata skilfully combines magical melodies with flourishes of memorable ambience and hectic wicked heaviness. This new album is likely to be the best thing to come from the band so far. Check it out here.

newshapes – heavensent

Following their triumphant start to 2024 which has seen Scottish pop-fueled post-hardcore outfit newshapes open up for Atreyu, The Blackout and The Nightmares and release an emphatic single, ‘feel it’ featuring Scott Kennedy of Scottish compatriots Bleed From Within, they are now back with ‘heavensent’.

Speaking about ‘heavensent’ newshapes vocalist Ian Mann comments:

This song is my way of saying “be honest with yourself”. Allow yourself to feel the things that you are feeling and allow it to change you. You’re going to reminisce and want to miss it, but take off the rose coloured glasses and you’ll see just how far you’ve come.

More poppy than expected, this is a nostalgia-laden alt-laden piece of music with plenty of peppiness and plenty of catchiness. Delivered passionately, the vitality matches the melodrama, and it’s all capped off with a delightful chorus that puts a big smile on the face. Check it out here.

Within the Ruins – Castle in the Sky

Progressive deathcore outfit Within The Ruins will release their highly-anticipated seventh album, Phenomena II on 23rd August, through MNRK Heavy. The band have released their first single/video, ‘Castle In The Sky’.

Comments guitarist Joe Cocchi:

It has everything people want to hear from us out of the gate. There’s some old-school Within The Ruins in there. Lyrically, it’s based on The Punisher. He’s a war veteran who has his family taken away from him. The central struggle is, ‘Would he rather be alive or reunite with his family in the castle in the sky?’

They’re back and bloody hell, what a track to emphatically declare their return. A massive sounding track with clever melodies, brutish death metal heaviness, salacious speed, and so much sharp technical cleverness. It’s fresh as hell, and the perfect track to get the mind salivating at the prospect of the upcoming new album.

Kath and the Kicks – Guessing

‘Guessing’ is the latest single from Leeds power trio Kath and the Kicks and is accompanied by a video where the band invited artists, photographers and creatives to showcase their pieces of work and images that inspired them, providing a platform for creative minds to come together.

A very creative band with a very creative piece of music, even though catchiness is expected from Kath and the Kicks, they still manage to surprise. Bringing forth deep grungy and sludgy beats, combining them with poppy melodies, and delivering a singalong chorus. It’s a powerful track with plenty of exciting experimentation and plenty of widespread appeal. Check it out here.

Gravenoire – France de l’Ombre

In an era where the essence of black metal has been diluted by the sands of time and commercial ambition, Gravenoire stands as the unyielding monument to its original, uncompromising spirit. Gravenoire is proud to announce the first beacon from their much-anticipated album, ‘Devant La Porte Des Étoiles’ – the premiere single, ‘France de l’Ombre’.

It really doesn’t get much blacker than this, with Gravenoire digging up the old bones of the sound to deliver an intense blast of speed and heaviness. With very little surprises, and very little creative spirit, it’s a perfectly fine black metal number, but lacks anything memorable. Check it out here.

Mimi Barks – House Full of Fakes

Following the announcement of her forthcoming UK album release tour, London based alternative artist and doom trap pioneer Mimi Barks has released her brand-new single ‘House Full Of Fakes’. The fourth single taken from Mimi Barks’ debut album ‘This Is Doom Trap’ (out on Friday 26th September 2024 via Silent Cult), following her recent singles ‘Montana’, featuring Yeti Bones of the American rap-punk duo Ho99o9, ‘Banshee’ and the album announcement single ‘FSU’ (short for Fuck Shit Up).

Commenting on the new single Mimi Barks shares:

The present moment exudes a sense of post-apocalyptic insanity, both internally and externally— “Doom Eternal.” This destructiveness infiltrates not only history but also homes and streets, mirrored in the way we communicate with one another. Collective thoughts, beliefs, and energies are tainted with despair and aggression.

A deep longing to live in the Now, striving to avoid being consumed by the chaos—a struggle intensified when the mind still controls you. Proximity to self-destruction and toxicity makes the pursuit of consciousness a constant battle.

One of the most talented modern artists who embodies the ‘do your own thing’ mantra, Mimi Barks kicks so much ass. Even when delivering something slower and heavy on the electronica as this new single does. There are two major selling points for this track. The first, Barks’ vocals, which are immense, and the second, the ominous melodies and disturbing layering of effects. It’s another unique offering from one of the most unique artists in alternative music.

Leprous – Silently Walking Alone

Norwegian Rock outfit Leprous are pleased to now launch a second single/video for their highly anticipated 8th studio album ‘Melodies Of Atonement’, to be released on August 30th, 2024 via InsideOutMusic worldwide.

Leprous’ vocalist Einar Solberg checked about the new single as follows:

‘Silently Walking Alone’ is the first song of the album, and it gives a whole other vibe than our previous album. It’s very electronic, epic, simplistic and heavy. It’s kind of the sister song of “Atonement” sound wise, but you’ll be up for some surprises when it comes to the rest of the album. The song is about gradually learning to be OK by myself, and to be OK in my own company. Hikes and nature have helped me quieting my mind and becoming more leveled.

Leprous’ are beginning to really flex their experimental muscles and this new single is a grand, and challenging, showcase of their strength. Plenty weird and wonderful, the synth is discombobulating, but how it helps transform the track into something quite epic sounding, is impressive. It’s an incredibly unpredictable piece of music, but one that proves to be enthralling. Check it out here.

Hacktivist – Not Alone

UK djent/grime crossover outfit Hacktivist present a heavy and emotionally charged track titled, ‘Not Alone’. A brutally honest depiction of the world’s mental health crisis told through vocal duo JJ Olifent and J Hurley’s eyes. With the track’s main mantra emphasising that mental health struggles affect people from all different walks of life in similarly ways.

The band state that:

No matter what background people come from, our struggles can be so similar, despite our perceived differences. If you’re struggling or feeling isolated, remember, you’re not alone.

Vocalist JJ Olifent continues:

For over half my life I’ve suffered with ADHD, depression and anxiety, especially when I grew older because you have to battle with surviving. The world’s a sick place, I found myself on autopilot, putting the mask up because that’s what I needed to do to gain success. I should have reached out for help sooner. In 2022, I received my ADHD diagnosis and have the support I need, while still thriving. If you are suffering please ask for help. Don’t live in silence and let the world consume you.

Going hard and delivering some seriously authentic feeling, Hacktivist are on fine form here, delivering some incredible heaviness, intense rapping, deep melodies, and effecting lyrical content. Their passion oozes out of every aspect of this track and few will find themselves untouched by it.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Tribulation, Shiva May Care, To the Grave, Broken Jaw, Acres, Under Blackened Skies, ALT BLK ERA, paradise fell, Diverted Disorder, Forever Ends Here, Arx Atrata, newshapes, Within the Ruins, Kath & the Kicks, Gravenoire, Mimi Barks, Leprous, and Hacktivist!
  • Tribulation – Saturn Coming Down - 7.5/10
  • Shiva May Care – Falling Down - 8/10
  • To the Grave – Dead Wrong (feat. Michael Kearney of Empty Cages) - 8/10
  • Broken Jaw – Pineapple Pizza (feat. Jordan Ebanks of Nameless) - 8/10
  • Acres – Lost - 6/10
  • Under Blackened Skies – Hollow Tyrant - 9/10
  • ALT BLK ERA – My Drummer’s Girlfriend - 6.5/10
  • paradise fell. – honest - 8.5/10
  • Diverted Disorder – Serpent Queen - 8/10
  • Forever Ends Here – Unspoken - 7.5/10
  • Arx Atrata – A Reckoning - 9/10
  • newshapes – heavensent - 8/10
  • Within the Ruins – Castle in the Sky - 9/10
  • Kath and the Kicks – Guessing - 8/10
  • Gravenoire – France de l'Ombre - 6/10
  • Mimi Barks – House Full of Fakes - 7/10
  • Leprous – Silently Walking Alone - 8/10
  • Hacktivist – Not Alone - 7.5/10
User Review
  • Sending
    Tribulation – Saturn Coming Down
  • Sending
    Shiva May Care – Falling Down
  • Sending
    To the Grave – Dead Wrong (feat. Michael Kearney of Empty Cages)
  • Sending
    Broken Jaw – Pineapple Pizza (feat. Jordan Ebanks of Nameless)
  • Sending
    Acres – Lost
  • Sending
    Under Blackened Skies – Hollow Tyrant
  • Sending
    ALT BLK ERA – My Drummer’s Girlfriend
  • Sending
    paradise fell. – honest
  • Sending
    Diverted Disorder – Serpent Queen
  • Sending
    Forever Ends Here – Unspoken
  • Sending
    Arx Atrata – A Reckoning
  • Sending
    newshapes – heavensent
  • Sending
    Within the Ruins – Castle in the Sky
  • Sending
    Kath and the Kicks – Guessing
  • Sending
    Gravenoire – France de l'Ombre
  • Sending
    Mimi Barks – House Full of Fakes
  • Sending
    Leprous – Silently Walking Alone
  • Sending
    Hacktivist – Not Alone