Music News: Tarah Who? To Release New Music Video For ‘Pantomath’

A pantomath is a person who wants to know and knows everything.

Tarah Who? Is coming back this year with a very energetic single. Get ready for the very powerful female duo. The Ladies of Tarah Who? Are introducing their new set up with an aggressive, upbeat, fun and catchy new song!

In their own words:

‘Pantomath’ is a punk Rock song. I wrote this song after a conversation I was having with another musician who had the constant speech of a “know it all”. He was criticizing every musician and their decisions and I was telling him in short that “thankfully we do not all want the same kind of success.” Then later in the conversation, now talking about success, I was telling him ” there is not one formula to success, otherwise it would be known and there would be no point in having a story and standing out.” and that is how ‘Pantomath’ came along!

Pantomath will be released on May 7th 2020.


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