Live Review: Mountain Caller at The Black Heart, Camden, London (19/04/24)

Sometimes you’re just not feeling a gig. Motoring on around five hours sleep, facing another night shift (the fourth of seven in a row), a mad dash across town to not be late for work, and having had the awful experience of your loved one having their phone stolen earlier that morning. If there was ever a list of reasons to blow out a gig, I had them tonight.

Why am I telling you this? To hopefully convey just how great Mountain Caller are. That with all this rubbish, there was never any doubt that my partner and I would attend this album launch celebration. We love Mountain Caller, we love Chronicle II: Hypergenesis, and we have been eagerly awaiting this show ever since it was announced.

Back in December 2023, I heard some of Chronicle II: Hypergenesis live, and was instantly smitten with how it sounded. March Of The Göll in particular is a beast, but the chance to hear the entire thing played in full? You’d have to be a fool to miss out on this, and it turns out, plenty of London agrees as the show has completely sold out.

Now, admittedly, a sold-out Black Heart isn’t always the most appealing thing, but when you’ve got a crowd this hot and a band this talented, the lack of breathing room is of no importance. We’re all here for Mountain Caller, and it is wonderful that they can sell this venue out and do it on the promise of playing an album that is only around four months old, in full.

This shouldn’t be too much of a surprise though as Chronicle II: Hypergenesis is a spectacular release. A bright, brave, and beautiful showcase of Mountain Caller’s progressive rock sound. An album that has firmly put them on the map, and an album that seems to get better and better with each listen. Even more so, when he hear these songs live. You can read our full review of the album here.

Is it just me or are they seeming more confident and at ease on stage? The word ‘commanding’ isn’t one that I would have used previously when talking about this band’s live performance, but that’s the word that comes to mind tonight. They seem at ease, impressed by the crowd response, but not over-awed by it. Seemingly aware that, while they can’t take anything for granted, they have earned this response.

A response that is akin to feverishness as captivating melodies, thundering heaviness, erratic rhythmic shifts, infectious vigour, discombobulating moments of groove, and so much more comes crashing down from the speakers. Mountain Caller’s complex sound needs to sound good, and happily, the Black Heart sound system is on point tonight. Nothing is lost, even the rarity of Mountain Caller vocals are as clear as day on Dead Language.

It’s a celebrity night, that much is for sure, but there’s a bittersweet aspect to the show too. Drummer Max will be stepping away from the kit for a year to spend some time in Canada, and it’s clear that his bandmates will miss him greatly. Maybe it’s a good excuse to head across the pond and play some shows over there!

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For now, there is a strong sense that Mountain Caller have stepped up their game and with such a phenomenal album in their arsenal, the world is finally starting to take proper notice of this band. Progressive rock is rarely this delectable, and nowhere is that better showcased then when they play live. To hear Chronicle II: Hypergenesis in full was very special, but there’s no doubt that any future Mountain Caller show will be equally as special. They really are that good, and I left with a smile and a spring in my step. Ready to go to f**king work.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Mountain Caller at The Black Heart, Camden, London (19/04/24)
  • Mountain Caller - 9/10
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