Live Review: Landmvrks, The Devil Wears Prada, From Moth to Flames, and Guilt Trip at Electric Brixton, London (16/05/24)

Electric Brixton is playing host to one hell of a line-up tonight. Metalcore band Landmvrks are in town and they’ve brought three stellar guests with them. Dubbed the ‘Creature Tour’, and featuring The Devil Wears Prada, Like Moth to Flames, and Guilt Trip, this tour started on April 16th and has seen all four bands hit European country after country. Exactly one month since it started, it’s London’s turn to get a bit rowdy with four excellent examples of metal music.

Doors are at 6pm, and even though it’s a weeknight, the Electric Brixton is freaking packed before Guilt Trip even take to the stage. It’s a crowd size that they more than deserve. A hard-working modern hardcore band that more and more people seem to taking notice of.

Why? It’s really fucking simple. They are immense and this show is the proof.

Play like you’re the headliner and blow them and all bands off the stage, which on a bill that features Landmvrks, The Devil Wears Prada, and Like Moth to Flames might seem an impossible task. Yet, Guilt Trip are well and truly up to the task and deliver a show-stealing performance. Seriously, thirty minutes feels like five, and there’s a genuine belief that the peak of the show has already been hit.

Every riff, every vocal scream, every melodic tint, and every breakdown, it hits with so much force, it’s startling. Rarely does a support band, let alone the first band of four, bring so much power and get the crowd response too. London, you brought it tonight and showed why this city has to always be a stop on a tour.

Of course, an energetic pit-starting and two-stepping bunch of maniacs wouldn’t matter if the music was lacking.

Guess what? Guilt Trip aren’t just on great form, they have the created an empathic selection of songs that makes this show feel like an assault. Every track creates plenty of carnage, and it is stunning to witness from a nice, safe distance. Guilt Trip brought it here, and there’s no doubt that they will be headlining venues of this size in years to come.

Like Moth to Flames are up next, and it does seem like the already packed venue swells even more for the American metalcore band. It also seems like plenty of people are here for them specifically, but that might have something to do with the fact that they’ve not been to the UK for many years. A fact, amongst many others, that vocalist Chris Roetter uses to demand the entire floor area moves like their lives depend upon it.

He’s a chatty fella, which in a set that is only 30-minutes long, is odd. Yet, they certainly throw their all into making the place bounce, and bounce bloody hard. They’re not quite on Guilt Trip’s level as far as consistent banger after banger goes, but it’s such a stupidly high bar, it’s not really fair to compare. Regardless, when they hit, they really hit and it’s another enjoyable showcase of heavy energy.

It’s The Devil Wears Prada next and the venue hits its capacity here. Looking down from above, there is clearly no room to move on the floor, and there is a strong feeling that we’re about to see something very special.

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Which we do. As the American metalcore heavyweights deliver the most fun show of the night. Looking and acting like this is the peak of their careers to date, their beaming smiles and unending vitality wins over any detractors in the crowd, and again, it’s a set that just flies by. They’re brilliant, and if they had been the headliner, no-one would be walking away unsatisfied.

However, this immense show has one more band, and it’s only fucking Landmvrks. A band who I’ve seen a few times before, and never not been impressed. Yet, this might be my favourite show from them to date. Mainly because they’re looking and acting like headliners now. So confident, with so many big songs, and a stage show that screams ‘big deal’. Sure, it’s just lights, but how they use those lights is amazing.

From the moment they arrive on stage and bust out the newest single, ‘Creature’, the venue is rocking. It’s been hours, and the heat in the air can be felt even up on the balcony, but still, London is going mental. Any moments where groups seem to be flagging are picked apart by vocalist Florent, who stalks the stage with intent. When he demands you move, you do. Even though the majority are more than willing to go mental for a setlist that includes Death, Say No Word, Scars, a sweet rendition of Hollow, and an encore that delivers Lost in a Wave, and Self-Made Black Hole.

As everyone begins to slowly file out, out into the refreshing air of Brixton, the smiles on faces, and buzz of excitement tells you that this was a show to remember. Four brilliant bands doing brilliant stuff, Guilt Trip might just have snuck it because… god-damn, but there isn’t a single complaint to be had about anyone’s performance tonight.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Landmvrks, The Devil Wears Prada, From Moth to Flames, and Guilt Trip at Electric Brixton, London (16/05/24)
  • Landmvrks - 9.5/10
  • The Devil Wears Prada - 9/10
  • Like Moth to Flames - 8/10
  • Guilt Trip - 10/10
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