Live Review: Coalition Fest at New Cross Inn, London – Saturday (02/09/23)

Taking place on the 2nd and 3rd of September, Coalition Fest took over the New Cross Inn in London for a raucous display of metal. A two-day festival hosted by the London Metal Coalition. A collective consisting of 30+ London-based metal bands of varying sub-genres whose goal is to unite London’s metal bands to create a strong community as well as showcasing the rich and talented acts London has to offer.

It’s a damn good idea and when we’re getting shows like this in the capital, the future is extremely exciting.

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Now, we can only talk about the Saturday of the festival as it was the only day we could attend (real life stuff – boo). Hopefully the Sunday was as boisterous and fun as the Saturday. Before we even talk about the bands, we have to shout out the organisation of the festival and the people who attended. The former did a great job of making the day run seamlessly, the latter made the day one to remember. From the pits, to the walls of death, to the neck-aching head-banging, everyone was up for it and the smiles on faces seemed to suggest everyone had a blast.

We certainly did. Arriving for Evisarize only to find Bring to Bear on stage. No matter, these guys rock, so we were happy to see them playing (later we found out they had swapped days). Their power-infused epic metal sound is the perfect way to start the day, even if the accordion is buried in the mix. It’s a minor complaint though, as overall Bring to Bear are making great strides and live, they’re really looking confident.

Speaking of confidence though, Enquire Within are on absolute fire with a blistering showcase of groovy metal and massive melodies. It’s the first instance of us venturing into the pits, and while it’s not the wildest pit you’d ever see, everyone is having a ton of fun in it. On any other day, Enquire Within might have stolen the show, but the day is stacked, and Empire Warning are up next.

One of the day’s tightest bands, their groove metal sound is on point and the atmosphere is electric. Something the band clearly feel too as they go for, and manage to get, a small wall of death going. A highlight of their set and the entire day.

It’s a high bar set by the bands seen so far, but there’s very little doubt that Imperium will not only reach those highs, but likely surpass them as well. It’s what they do, building up a stellar reputation and delivering thrashy and groovy head-bangers non-stop. So, it’s no surprise that their show is a whirlwind of heads being banged and bodies being moved. Sometimes by force, mostly through the sheer enjoyment of Imperium’s noisy set. All the bands on this bill have bright futures, but Imperium’s might be the most blinding.

After a much-needed break, we were back for more pit-based and neck-snapping shenanigans with the phenomenal Collapse the Sky. A band that combines several sub-genres of metal, but when you keep it simple, deliver stirring and dazzling metal tunes. So strong are they live, they probably could have headlined the entire day, and no-one would have complained. They have that vibe, alongside a ton of banging tunes.

Finally, to cap off a pretty spectacular day, it’s the headliners Red Method. A band that should no introduction and a band that never disappoints. This is the first time we’ve seen them play live since their line-up changes, and it is extremely heartening to see them on top form and as focused as ever. Controlling the crowd like no other band, causing chaos and carnage, while also having a chorus of voices singing along to their more melodic moments. It’s an immense showing from the group, who also just happen to be some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.

This is Red Method, and they are one the countries’ finest bands.

It’s a damn good sign when it’s clear that no-one wanted the day to be over but all good things must come to an end. Coalition Fest delivered (for us even doing just one day) and we hope this becomes an annual event.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Coalition Fest at New Cross Inn, London - Saturday (02/09/23)
  • Red Method - 10/10
  • Collapse the Sky - 9/10
  • Imperium - 9/10
  • Empire Warning - 9/10
  • Enquire Within - 9.5/10
  • Bring to Bear - 8/10
User Review
  • Sending
    Red Method
  • Sending
    Collapse the Sky
  • Sending
  • Sending
    Empire Warning
  • Sending
    Enquire Within
  • Sending
    Bring to Bear