Horror Short Review: St. Patrick’s Day (2025)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, although this St. Patrick’s Day might be your last. At least as far as Alex Magaña and co-writer Jed Brian are concerned. Yes, it’s an ACMofficial horror short, and one to enjoy with a pint of Guinness.

Starring Shekinah Austria and Keeley Shea, St. Patrick’s Day only works if you believe everyone cares about St. Patrick’s Day in the same way they care about Halloween or Christmas. Making a big deal about wearing green and wishing each other a ‘St. Patrick’s Day’. I’m Irish and I don’t think I’ve ever wished another person a happy ‘St. Patrick’s Day’. It’s weird.

Hey-ho, it’s all in the name of fun though, as ACMofficial find a way to make those who don’t embrace the day, regret it. Being pinched hurts, after all.

It is so silly, and ACM embrace that silliness, while attempting to make a serviceable horror with some creepy aspects. It doesn’t work, not really, as its silliness trumps the horror side of things, but it is entertaining none the less. Familiar tropes, familiar story-telling, and familiar visuals, it’s an ACMofficial horror short and at this stage, you really should know what you’re getting.

For better or worse. Now have a shot and shut up about wearing green.



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St. Patrick's Day (2025)
  • The Final Score - 6/10
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