Horror Short Review: Serbian Dancing Lady (2023)

Writer and director Alex Magaña and ACMofficial introduce horror short viewers to their latest creation, the Serbian Dancing Lady. A short that comes in at just a little over two minutes and demands your apology for watching without permission.

A young woman (Yaret Lora) is walking down the street at night as energetic rock and roll plays out of a speaker on a pole. The music crackles, coming to a stop, before being replaced by an old-timey piece of music, and she is greeted by the sight of another woman (Cat Hamm) dancing in the street with her back to her.

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Seeing this, the young woman decides to film the performance. As suddenly as it started, the music stops and the dancing woman goes still. Slowly turning around, she greets her watcher with a wicked smile.

What happens next? Check it out below to find out.

This is a cool horror short that has a dark and chilling feel. It’s not outright scary or anything but it does have an inherent creepiness to it. As always, highlighted by the professional look and sound of the entire thing. It leaves you wanting more. To find out more about this sinister character. This could be ACMofficial’s new Smiling Woman.


  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Serbian Dancing Lady (2023)
  • The Final Score - 6.5/10
User Review
9.3/10 (5 votes)