Horror Short Review: Ride or Die (2025)

With a silly premise and a ‘tongue in cheek’ darkly comedic edge, Ride or Die is a fun ACMofficial horror short that won’t live long in the memory but entertains while its 4-odd minutes play out.

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As always, it comes from Alex Magaña, but this time, the cast is more extensive. Featuring Ashley BeLoat, Juliette Cécile, Chandler Love, Monica Alquetz, Carlos Joaquin, Aidan Cook, Taylor Dejka, and Andrew Max.

BeLoat is an online instructor putting her class through the wringer via a hard bike ride, one that culminates in the ‘elimination round’. No pain, no gain, right? Well, in this class you will be pushed to the max, and you may not survive it. It’s called the ‘elimination round’ for a reason!

There’s not a lot of meat on the bones of this short, and it is severely lacking in the scares/tension department, but thanks to a delightful villainous turn by Ashley BeLoat and a cheesy, but fun, display by Juliette Cécile (a personal favourite of the ACMofficial returning cast members), it’s an enjoyable watch. Nothing special, but worth checking out.

Which you can, below.



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Ride or Die (2025)
  • The Final Score - 6/10
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