Horror Short Review: Reflection (2019)

A middling horror short that has its main character act in the most unnatural of ways, Reflection comes from director Guzmits Zoltán Dániel and stars Kelemen Orsolya.

She is brushing her teeth in her bathroom when she hears a sinister laugh. She then notices someone standing directly behind her, but of course when she turns around, there is nobody there.

Turning back to the mirror, she again notices the person, but her rapid movements are mirrored. Instead of running for life (hence the unnatural reaction comment above), she picks up a small handheld mirror to try and get a better view at whatever is behind her. All while this ‘person’ laughs sinisterly. What does she see? Check it out yourself, below, to find out. Just be warned, it’s nothing to get excited about.

Being under three-minutes long and being competently made means there’s nothing really wrong with Reflection, outside of questionable character reactions. However, there’s also nothing to shout about either. It is a middling watch that leaves no impression and will likely be forgotten shortly after viewing it.



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Reflection (2019)
  • The Final Score - 5/10
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