Horror Short Review: Momo – The Pool (2024)

Not content with giving us one bad Momo-inspired horror short, director Jiya Kapur has another, leaving the loft in favour of a pool. I have a really bad feeling we’re going to see a series here.

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A man is relaxing at the edge of his pool, when the sound of the water being disturbed gets his attention. He gets up to have a look, and in a sign of the quality of film-making on offer here, in the next shot, he just has a torch in his hand. Even though in the previous shot, he clearly only has his phone.

Happily, the sight of an awful Momo mask in the pool means we’re not hanging around here. He tries to fish it out, but only ends up pushing it further in, so goes off to get a net. Returning to find the mask gone. This would be creepy if it wasn’t for the ‘bug-eyed’ reaction of the actor and the expected sharp sound effect to emphasis the ‘scary moment’.

What happens next? Come on, you know what happens next, but you can check it out below to find out.

Momo – The Pool is better than Momo – The Loft, but not by much. It is equally as amateurish, but the location and set-up are more believable. Unfortunately, what it lacks is scares and that is unforgivable. It’s boring, and plays out exactly as expected. This ‘Momo’ just isn’t scary, and no amount of shaky camera shots can make it so.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Momo - The Pool (2024)
  • The Final Score - 3/10
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