Horror Short Review: Cupcakes (2025)

Continuing 2025 where they left off in 2024, ACMofficial’s Cupcakes comes from writer/director Alex Magaña and stars Clara Carlo, Alexandro Zatarain, Leslye Gisell Martinez, Laura Ricci, Lars Eric Joehnk, Jazmin García, Linda Paice, and Iuliia Elkhimova.

That’s a sizable cast and a bit unusual for ACMofficial, but this short is a bit out of the ordinary overall. Beginning with the sight of a young sleeping woman being attacked by an unseen entity and seemingly becoming possessed. She gets up and joins her friends who are sitting together in a separate room.

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It seems as though she went to bed early as she wasn’t feeling well, and based off the creepy smile she gives, that’s the least of everyone’s worries now. It’s scary story time, and there are cupcakes for all to enjoy.

This is a great horror short, one that shows a bit of creative flair from ACMofficial, while not steering too far away from their familiar style. Notably, the clean visuals, professional camera work, and sound. While its looks and sounds might be familiar, its story and how it plays out, isn’t. That, alongside a game cast playing up to the horror with a touch of cheese, makes this one that is well worth checking out. Which you can, below.



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Cupcakes (2025)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
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