Horror Short Review: Baby New Year (2020)

and you thought last year was bad…

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Written and directed by Collin Black and Hayden Johnson, Duvall Jones’ character is alone at home as the New Year approaches. Watching the countdown on his phone, as the clock hits midnight, the power goes off. Which is strange, but the fact that his phone screen has frozen on the ‘1’ of the countdown is even stranger.

No time to think about though as he now starts to hear strange squelching sounds, going to investigate, and finding something exceptionally horrific. A sinister New Year as been born in his home.

A well-done story with great visuals, great acting, and differing layers of horror. Tension based horror blended with visual shocks and surrealism that culminates in a delightful ending. There’s a ton of talent here, and the professionalism of the short shines strongly.

Things may be bad but remember they can always get WORSE.



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Baby New Year (2020)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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