Horror Movie Review: Zombie Cats From Mars (2015)

This film is based on Catual events”

With that opening graphic, you know exactly what kind of movie you’re in for with Zombie Cats From Mars. A campy love-letter to sci-fi horror comedy starring everyone’s favourite evil household pets, cats.

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In a typical American suburb, we meet Lester (Joon Rhee) and his wife, Carolyn (Cheyenne Leigh) who have recently suffered a miscarriage. Billy (Bransen Koehler), a gay teen finding his place in world. His pal, Cameron (Estevan Muñoz) who would like nothing better then to stick it to Billy’s mother.

This is your main cast and the ones who get the majority of the focus when the felines attack.

What causes our furry overlords to decide to finally go for the jugular? Well it seems to be related to a UFO that Billy and Cameron see one night. From said UFO comes a cat, one with red glowing eyes!

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Later, the news readers play off the UFO sighting as nothing but a weather balloon and everyone goes back to their lives. At least until the neighbourhood cats all start going a bit crazy and attacking their owners!

Filmed in a off-beat way, it mixes cheesy sci-fi horror, surrealism, comedy and melodrama that has the occasional poignant moment or two. Sure, it misses the mark more times then it should but when it hits, it’s really watchable. I dare anyone to not let out a small laugh as some cats stage a suicide including writing a goodbye note afterwards.

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Super low-budget, Zombie Cats From Mars takes the tongue in cheek approach to most of the proceedings. When the cats attack they leap on to faces where it is clear they are just plushies and puppets. Credit to the cast though who throw themselves around with complete abandon during these moments.

Talking of which, one of the more surprising things about the movie is the quality of the acting. No-one is going to be winning an Oscar but for such a cheap movie, it’s more then competent! There are quite a few characters to focus on too and everyone gets the right amount of screen time.

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For all it’s silliness and trust me, it gets really silly at the end, the passion behind Zombie Cats From Mars is clear to see. Effort went in here and while there are things that could have been better, it’s still a fun watch.

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Zombie Cats From Mars
  • The Final Score - 6.5/10
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