Horror Movie Review: Terror at Bigfoot Pond (2020)
Far from our first encounter with ‘Bigfoot’ and sure to not be our last. Terror at Bigfoot Pond’s story sees a group of college students picked off by the mythical beast when they camp out in his territory.
Written and directed by David Lamberdi, Terror at Bigfoot Pond stars Emerald Fowler, Marcus DeVries and Shoshanah Gilbert.
Rarely do we mentioned an IMDB rating in our reviews but this is one of those times where we just have too. As of the time of publishing, Terror at Bigfoot Pond holds an eye-wateringly low score of 1.5/10 out of 102 ratings.
Is it really that bad? Oh yes, it is. In fact, 1.5 seems too high.
A found-footage/POV horror movie, Terror at Bigfoot Pond does nothing right. It is shockingly poor with cheap visuals, horrendous acting and a story that is mind-numbing. This is one of the worst horror movies you could ever watch and it lets you know early on that you’re not going to have a good time.
10 minutes of story stretched to 80, the opening driving scene goes on and on and on and on. If you manage to not switch it off there, it’s not going to get any better. Our characters arrive and stand around talking endlessly about nothing for ages. It’s appalling how bad this all is but should you continue on, it’s not going to get any better.
Halfway through your brain may started leaking out of your ears. That is a real possibility following the ‘drum/topless dance around the fire’ bit. Then you’ll realise absolutely nothing has happened.
Night has fallen and the cheapness of this movie really rears its ugly head as you can’t see anything anymore. It’s so dark and no-one wanted to scrap together the money needed to light anything properly.
We get POV shots as ‘Bigfoot’ grunts and hunts our vapid set of characters leading to the eventual horrible reveal of the creature. Do you need to be told that it looks awful? Of course, it does. This movie is some sort of joke project or some sort of money laundering scam. You will genuinely wonder how an estimated budget of $280,000 resulted in this.
Up there as one of the worst horror movies we have ever seen.
Terror at Bigfoot Pond
The Final Score - 0/10