Horror Movie Review: Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981)

Omen III: The Final Conflict is the third entry in The Omen franchise released in 1981 & the culmination of the Damien Thorn story. You can read our review of the original here & the sequel, Damien: Omen II here.

I hope you like long conversations about politics…

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Damien Thorn (Sam Neill) is now an adult & the CEO of an international conglomerate designed to increase his power & standing within the world. The end times are coming so Damien & his followers are preparing for the second coming of Christ. Something that Damien wants to stop so he can remain in power.

A priest named Father DeCarlo (Rossano Brazzi) acquires the Seven Daggers of Megiddo & alongside others sets out to kill Damien. All while finding & protecting the Christ child that has been born into the world. Damien’s desperation to find the child sees him order the murders of every baby boy born on a specific day but the child still eludes him.

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Will the Antichrist succeed? Or will Jesus Christ return to earth initiating the second coming?

Omen III is an absolute chore to get through because it is so incredibly boring. Considering this was originally the finale of a trilogy, it goes out with such a whimper. It’s a real pity because when Omen III gets it right, it has some of the most sinister moments of the series so far. Sam Neill is good as the evil Antichrist, totally detached from the world. His control of people is so believable & how devoted they are to him is terrifying.

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It’s just not worth sitting through repetitive political conversations to get to these moments. So much of the film is utterly forgettable no matter how hard you’re concentrating. Only Sam Neill really comes out of this in one piece, everyone else just sort of ‘drift by’. The only other actor worth mentioning is the young Barnaby Holm who falls under Damien’s influence & delivers a creepy performance.

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Omen III: The Final Conflict ends predictably but at least it finalises the Damien Thorn story. It’s just such a pity that we didn’t get more here especially as it was made during the inventive 80’s era of horror.

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Omen III: The Final Conflict
  • The Final Score - 4.5/10
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