Horror Movie Review: Mutants of Nature Cove (2024)

As bad as it gets, Mutants of Nature Cove is amateurish trash lacking in every department, aside from the sheer amount of naked skin you’ll see. If there was a budget for this film, it wasn’t spent wisely, as there are entry level college-projects with more finesse than this.

Written (that’s hilarious) and directed by Beau Mann, the story of Mutants of Nature Cove is non-existent, as it sees a group of women go to a secluded nudist beach where mutant creatures exist. These creatures cause trippy hallucinations, have come from hell (maybe), and are part of some meandering plot to destroy all. It’s up to the girls to stop them, save the nudists of the beach, and the world.

Or something like that. It’s really hard to pay much attention to the crappy story as every frame of Mutants of Nature Cove is filled with awful green screen effects, horrible acting, laughably bad monster effects, and audio that sounds like it was recorded in a garage. If all of that wasn’t distracting enough, every actor in this film is nude, and stays nude throughout.

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Is it integral to the plot? Of course, it’s not, and far too many actors seem uncomfortable being naked throughout. Although that could just be because they’re all really bad at acting, delivering lines with all the gusto of a dying starfish and moving as awkwardly as possible.

Very few will make it further than ten minutes in before switching this off. The moment it becomes clear that the green-screened beach and diabolical audio are legitimately what the film is going to use, will be enough for most to tap out. Early on, its amateurishness shows, and it never gets any better. In fact, thanks to the monster effects and additional green-screened locations, it actually gets worse.

You won’t quite be able to believe that, but it’s true, it gets worse and worse.

There’s a chance that a defence of this shockingly bad film is that you’re not supposed to take it seriously. That it’s just silly fun, and the overall low-quality is on purpose. Sure, that’s believable, but only up to a point. There have been plenty of no-budget horrors that wink at the camera, but the difference between those and this, is that those films at least try to be entertaining.

Mutants of Nature Cove isn’t entertaining. It’s not fun, it’s not admirable, and it’s not worth any kind of effort. One of the worst films ever made, unless you’re desperate to see a ton of nakedness.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Mutants of Nature Cove (2024)
  • The Final Score - 0/10
User Review
10/10 (1 vote)