Horror Movie Review: Hybrid (2010)

Hybrid (also known as Super Hybrid) might be one of the dumbest ‘evil car’ horror films ever made. Hilariously silly, but taking itself way too seriously, what should have been a total disaster ends up being a fairly watchable flick.

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Written by Neal Marshall Stevens and directed by Eric Valette, we’re introduced to the villain of the film, a car, as it gets the attention of two ‘bros’ and promptly eats them when they get inside. It’s an introduction that shows that this car is more than just another ‘Christine’ as it acts more like a predator. Luring its prey, changing how it looks to be more attractive (for a pair of bros, it takes on the form of a sports car), and constantly moving around.

It’s an interesting start, creating plenty of intrigue and excitement for what might follow. Which just so happens to be the car being taken to an impound garage following a road accident, where its oddness is quickly discovered and the night shift is about to become one of the staff’s most unforgettable.

It’s just a car, though, right?

Starring Alden Adair, Shannon Beckner, Adrien Dorval, Oded Fehr, Ryan Kennedy, Melanie Papalia, John Reardon, and Josh Strait. Hybrid best moments come within the first 30-40 minutes (pre the reveal of what the car is) and the final 20, when it becomes a battle to destroy the thing. Interesting and exciting aspects of a film. Alas, in between those sections though is a dull middle. Filled with talking, arguing, awkward attempts to block up plot holes (badly) and some awkward acting.

The number of conveniences required for the characters to both, be at the mercy of the car and unable to escape its rampage, is simply too much. Made all the worse by the hilarious ways in which characters try to explain them away. Listen, Oded Fehr is a good actor, but he can’t do miracles and no actor could convincingly claim to have ‘welded up the emergency exits to stop some junkies getting in’.

It’s so dumb, and not the fun kind of dumb. Happily though, it’s dumb fun that makes up a significant portion of Hybrid.

You see, this isn’t just a killer car film, it’s a bit of a creature feature too. Which allows some fun and creative elements to shine. Somehow the idea of being stalked by a shape-shifting monster that discovered a car was a great predator choice is so much more fun than your basic possessed car. Again, it’s dumb, but it’s watchable dumbness.

Unchain your brain, go in with an open mind, and be prepared to scoff at so much of it. It’s Hybrid, it’s stupid, but aside from a dull middle, it’s entertaining.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Hybrid (2010)
  • The Final Score - 6.5/10
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