Horror Movie Review: Evil Bong 777 (2018)

Here we go yet again. It’s time for another Evil Bong film and as of the time of writing this (July 2019), this the last one. Praise the Bong!

A series that has got steadily worse and worse until it is near unwatchable. It seemed as though we’d reached the lowest point possible with Evil Bong High-5 and Evil Bong 666 so going into Evil Bong 777, there really wasn’t much hope for this one.

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However, in a positive, Evil Bong 777 is not only better then the last two films but not by much. It’s still a lazy and pointless entry in a series that really is the weakest in the Full Moon catalogue.

You can read our reviews of the Evil Bong series to date below.

2006 – Evil Bong
2009 – Evil Bong 2: King Bong
2011 – Evil Bong 3D: The Wrath of Bong
2013 – Gingerdead Man vs. Evil Bong
2015 – Evil Bong 420
2016 – Evil Bong High-5
2017 – Evil Bong 666

Running less then an hour (including credits), Evil Bong 77 picks up directly after the events of Evil Bong 666. The whole gang have managed to escape sexy Hell leaving Lucy Furr (Mindy Robinson) behind. Realising that she and Beelzebud will want their revenge, the group decide to hide out in Vegas.

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Rabbit (Sonny Carl Davis), the fake Batty from Killjoy (Robin Sydney), Misty (Jessica Morris), Eebee and the Gingerweed Man all end up at a haunted hotel where sexy antics and bad weed jokes are not far behind.

Once again, there is barely a plot and what is there is a mess. Just a bunch of scenes stitched together with the usual Full Moon cameos, lack of horror and copious amounts of nudity. That last one is worth talking about more though. You see, these films have always had their fair share of nudity but normally nothing more then topless women and the odd puppet on human simulated sex scene.

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Evil Bong 777 runs out of gas very early on and to make up for that it fills the movie with more nudity then you’d expect in a Full Moon film. Full frontal nudity, lots of boobs and several puppet/human sex scenes. Including one that goes on for ages and ends with the puppet being brought to its ‘end’ for the amusement of an audience. It’s very strange.

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If all of the nudity/sex scenes were removed, Evil Bong 777 would be even shorter. That’s how little there is going on here. Once again, actual horror is non-existent and the jokes fall so flat, it’s actually kind of embarrassing. It’s a bad film, another bad entry in a bad series of films but thanks to the short length and fun that the cast seem to be having (at least they are) it’s not the worst entry so far.

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Congratulations Evil Bong 777. You’re not the worst Evil Bong movie.


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Evil Bong 777
  • The Final Score - 4/10
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