Horror Movie Review: Evil Bong 420 (2015)
So…we’re still doing this, Full Moon?
The Evil Bong series has been giving diminishing returns for some time now. After three movies and a crossover over with the Gingerdead Man that was frankly terrible, it seemed time to pack up the bong. However, that’s not Full Moon Pictures style. Just pump out sequel after sequel regardless of quality in the hope that they might strike gold again.
You can read our review of the original Evil Bong here, the sequel Evil Bong 2: King Bong here and Evil Bong 3: The Wrath of Bong here. If you’re mind hasn’t melted reading those you can also read the crossover movie, Gingerdead Man vs. Evil Bong here too. That one is important as the killer cookie also makes an appearance in Evil Bong 420.
Those who have seen the previous Evil Bong movies will find nothing different here. Evil Bong 420 sticks to the worn-out formula of bad innuendo, topless women and weed jokes. It’s offering nothing new but in a welcome turn of events, is actually kind of fun. In the way the original was.
Reprising his role, Rabbit (Sonny Carl Davis) has escaped the Bong World and stolen some of Eebee’s magical weed. Using the money gained from selling the weed in the real world, Rabbit has opened a topless bowling alley. It’s easy to get a job there, just be willing to take your top off!
Evil Bong 420 introduces new characters and changes up the plot by having Eebee the Evil Bong and the Gingerdead Man hunting Rabbit down to return him to the Bong World. It’s basic as hell but a welcome departure from the usual ‘stoners get high, Evil Bong kills them’ plot points. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t much better but it is different and at this stage of the series was seriously needed.
The acting is exactly what you’d expect. Average but no worse than the other films but it’s a shame we don’t have more returning characters. Although we have John Patrick Jordan as Larnell briefly showing up. The new cast are fine, nothing to get excited about but they lack the chemistry of the old cast.
Once again, the film is really short, not even an hour long but it still feels drawn out. A total lack of blood and gore is par for the course for the Evil Bong series but the lack of humour really hurts it. It’s not that it doesn’t try, it just isn’t amusing.
It’s not the worst in the series but that really isn’t high praise at all.
Evil Bong 420
The Final Score - 5/10