Horror Movie Review: Conjuring the Genie 2 (2022)

Released in 2021 and coming from writer/director Scott Jeffery, we were not kind to Conjuring the Genie. Finding little to enjoy, we described it as:

A waste of time, that is lifeless and lacking imagination.

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Of course, as is often the case with Jeffery’s productions, a sequel was almost guaranteed even if no-one was asking for it. This time Craig McLearie takes on writing duties and Ian David Diaz steps in as director. Although regular watchers of releases from Proportion Productions/Jagged Edge Productions will barely notice anything different.

That being said, Conjuring the Genie 2 is an improvement over the original. A mild improvement, but an improvement none the less. One such area is the story, which focuses on the character of Gabby (Ella Starbuck) and her struggles as an author. She has had success with a book she wrote surrounding urban myths and her publishers wants her to follow that up. She, however, wants to do her own thing but has no choice but to ‘play the game’ and give her publishers what they want.

So, she decides to look into the myth around the Djinn/Genie, involving her friends as she attempts to conjure it up. It’s not a great story, but by focusing on one character and her story, it at least makes things feel different.

The rest… well, you know how this goes. A bunch of unlikable and forgettable characters who are half stupid/half-vain, making wishes that are laughably bad and getting them twisted by the evil genie. It’s hard to know if the attempt to make the genie more likeable than the cast was on purpose, but it is what happens. Even the lead, Gabby, ends up coming across selfish and entitled when it comes to her wish.

Of course, the whole fun of these films is seeing how the genie takes a wish and twists it and Conjuring the Genie 2 has some imagination. It’s a more violent, gory, and creative watch, even though the effects often leave a lot to be desired.

There, the biggest complaint (aside from some awkward CGI) is the Djinn itself. Where, once again, they’re incapable of making the face mask mouth move when it talks. Think Green Goblin from the Toby Maguire Spiderman movies, but less entertaining, and a lot more twisted looking. If they make a third movie in this series, it would be nice to see that fixed as the overall costume design is decent.

Throw in a solid ending that isn’t a ‘cut and copy’ of the original, and most will come away thinking like we do. Conjuring the Genie 2 is an improvement over the original, even if that bar wasn’t exactly hard to surpass.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Conjuring the Genie 2 (2022)
  • The Final Score - 5.5/10
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