Game Review: Wiz Khalifa’s Weed Farm (Mobile – Free to Play)

‘To be the greatest, you gotta learn from the greatest’

That’s the first line in the description of this game. Wiz Khalifa…the greatest. Right. OK.

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So, you might be thinking who the hell is Wiz Khalifa & why does he have a game about growing weed out? The straight-forward answer is that it’s the free to play mobile market & he’s a famous rapper who loves cannabis.

Put the two together & the end result is a repetitive, empty vessel of a game that has in-app purchases that go as high as £99.99. You’d have to be smoking a ton of Khalifa’s own cannabis strain, Khalifa Kush (this is real, I’m not making it up) to even consider paying 99p for this rubbish.

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A weed growing simulation game where you earn coins from weed plants over time. As you get more money you can add new strains, upgrade the weed to return higher profits & increase the speed of their growth. Tap the plants to get your coins & swipe to send it to market where you can earn ‘paper’. The games’ word, not mine. They mean dollars but obviously calling it paper is so much hipper.

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Expand & get new strains earning more & more ‘paper’. The game also throws in tournaments where you can compete with other players, challenges, timed events in different locations, daily login rewards & the chance to watch short ads to gain temporary bonuses. The colourful & simplistic look of the game is easy on the eyes but behind all this padding is some down-right disgraceful premium purchases.

Coins are the main currency of the game & are used for the majority of purchases. Once you get a couple of strains going & upgraded the coins really start coming in but new plots start to cost a lot!

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Then we have… *sigh* paper which is used to give permanent upgrades such as increased profits from your weed. These cost an eye-wateringly high amount that would take an unrealistically huge amount of time to earn in-game. Finally, we have the third currency, the premium currency of gems.

Again, they give upgrades but also move the clock forward by a certain amount of time increasing the coins earned by your plants. The most substantial of these is ‘Weekend Warp’ which costs 1000 gems. In-game, after two days of playing, I had just over a hundred gems.

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Do you want to know just how much 1000 gems would cost you? £9.99. That’s 10 dollars for 1680 gems (currently on sale with a 20% bonus). The next nearest amount is 600 gems for £4.99. For the same price as Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Bully, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Street Fighter IV Champion Edition & most of the Lego games!

Games like OXENFREE, Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath, Limbo, The Impossible Game, Worms 3…these games all cost less than 600 gems do in Wiz Khalifa’s Weed Farm.

Maybe you’re as rich as Khalifa though, right? If that’s the case then the ‘best value’ option will be perfect for you. 25000 gems for the totally reasonable price of £99.99.

Now, I get it. These are all optional. No one is forcing you to purchase any of them. It’s a free to play game that is going to want to recoup some of its costs. The issue is & will always be why do they have to be so damn greedy about it?

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The free to play mobile platform has a sickness & it is one that developers are unwilling to try & cure. Every lazy & bare-bones game uses the exact same pricing structure & it is incredibly misguided. It offers such little value that it can only be viewed as greed & attempts to deceive. If it was just about re-cooping costs then a game like this wouldn’t be calling £99.99 for a finite number of gems, best value.

The collector’s edition of Destiny 2 on Xbox One costs less.

The defence is often that you can play the game with no restrictions so you don’t have to sink any real money in. However, what’s the point? There isn’t enough unique gameplay options, not enough modes or enough replay value to make this even worth playing let alone sinking any kind of money into it.

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  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Wiz Khalifa's Weed Farm
  • The Final Score - 2/10
User Review
4.5 (2 votes)

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