EP Review: Vanitas – Chaos Theory (Self Released)

Vanitas, the self-styled ‘cinematic djent’ Birmingham five-piece will release their sophomore EP ‘Chaos Theory’ on August 2nd, 2024. An EP that represents a savage expression of rage and desperation; born from a time of turmoil and wearing its scars proudly.

So, you might be wondering just what the hell ‘cinematic djent’ is and if it’s just a fancy way to dress up a familiar sound? Of course, all the separate elements of Vanitas; the progressive metal, djent aspects and orchestral backdrops might be familiar but when put together in the Vanitas way, it results in a unique sound that is the Vanitas sound. Cinematic djent and, chances are, you’re already all in on this band.

I certainly am, and have enjoyed all the releases from this EP on route to its full release. In some cases, I’ve enjoyed some of these tracks so much, they’re up there as the best things heard this year. Following a suitably epic intro called Can We Let Go?, that fully showcases the cinematic aspects of this band, the highs begin with mighty aplomb as along comes Grey Morality to deliver a dark and heavy listen. This is Vanitas at their most intense and at their most emphatic, all while heightening the sense of ‘cinema’ that is so important to their sound.

There so much to love about that track that also applies to the EP as a whole and Vanitas a group. Delivering frenetic progressive metal and erratic melody with Lies, and giving a big sound even more grandeur via a vocalist with such immense range. They are a band with layers, how else can you explain the blackened touch that E.D.G. has? Or the fact that this same track has one of their best choruses to date? It’s one of the finest tracks of all on the EP.

Although there’s absolutely nothing to complain about with the title track, Vanitas continuing to be varied and interesting with plenty of melody, plenty of lavish elements, and tons of heavy power. The level that this independent band are at is staggering and it’s tracks like this that prove it.

All great things must end though and Vanitas push the progressive side of their sound to even more impressive heights with the finale of Queen of Nowhere. The vocals have some real savagery here, and again, it’s got a chorus that sounds enormous. Layered with melody, delivering a constant slew of punchy beats, and ending in truly epic fashion, it’s a closing track that lives up to the expectations that we all have for Vanitas now.

Their rise is notable, but it’s a rise based off quality and this EP proves that fact unequivocally. Vanitas aren’t just a bright prospect in the UK metal scene, they’re looking like a dominant worldwide force already.

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Vanitas – Chaos Theory Track Listing:

1. Can We Let Go?
2. Grey Morality
3. Lies
4. E.D.G.
5. Chaos Theory
6. Queen of Nowhere


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Vanitas – Chaos Theory (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 10/10
User Review
7.33/10 (3 votes)