EP Review: Thumos – Atlantis (Snow Wolf Records)

US progressive post-metal band Thumos are back, and will release a brand-new EP called ‘Atlantis’ on April 26th, 2024, via Snow Wolf Records. A three-track EP covering Plato’s dialogues Timaeus, the unfinished Critias, and the hypothetical Hermocrates.



In life they say only two things are certain – death and taxes. This isn’t true, because there is a third. Which simply states that if Thumos have new music, it is going to be stunning. They’re a band that never fail to impress, always delivering meaningful and impactful post-metal, and once again, they bring us something that can be rightfully called transcendent. It might be only three tracks long, but this is over thirty minutes of music.

The EP focuses on the Greek philosopher Plato and his dialogues, beginning with Timaeus. Which, in short form, is a dialogue that speaks about the nature of the physical world, the purpose of the universe, and the properties of it.

How do you turn that into something musically captivating? Thumos have the answer and for nearly ten minutes they deliver an expressive experience that expands and expands as it goes on. If this is your first taste of Thumos, then musically, it’s instrumental post-metal through and through. However, this is a layered track that twists and turns in the wind, a track that flows like an underground stream, and a track that combines gorgeous melody with robust heaviness. It’s a fascinating piece of music that rewards patience and investment.

Although, to be fair, that’s something the entire EP demands. The next track, Critias, as eclectic and extensive as what came before. Here, Thumos take a look at the ‘unfinished’ (it’s unknown if it was ever completed or if it has just been lost) dialogue Critias which looks at the failed attempt of Atlantis to conquer Athens. Which means this track comes with a darker tone, sounding dangerous in places, and sees the group pull out some of their heaviest rhythms to date. A nerve-wracking listen, so much so that the melodic drop does little to ease that feeling. It’s an impeccably well-structured track that keeps you on edge throughout.

Finally, it’s the longest track of the three, Hermocrates and the details around this dialogue is extremely limited. Mainly because it is completely hypothetical and only known to have potentially existed because of the writing in Critias. Which makes for an interesting focal point for Thumos, forced to really use their imagination to express what might have been.

Happily, and unsurprisingly, this is a task they are more than up for and across eleven-plus minutes they deliver one of their most inventive, charming, and eccentric listens to date. At times, spell-bindingly beautiful, and at others, intensely weighty. The flow of this track is unforgettable, and as a culmination to this latest Thumos journey, it couldn’t be any better.

Thankfully, the quality of this EP doesn’t just rest on this track. All three offerings are exceptional and once again, Thumos have satisfied like nobody else can. Death, taxes, and Thumos.

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Thumos – Atlantis Track Listing:

1. Timaeus
2. Critias
3. Hermocrates


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Thumos - Atlantis (Snow Wolf Records)
  • The Final Score - 10/10
User Review
10/10 (2 votes)