EP Review: Orme – No Serpents, No Saviours (Self Released)

Orme, the Hertfordshire, UK based trio return with ‘No Serpents, No Saviours’, a 24-minute death/doom metal sculpture of violence and savagery that can be roughly divided into three diabolical acts or movements loosely separated by horror film samples. This new slice of nightmarish noise will be released on August 23rd, 2024.

It doesn’t matter how experimental Orme get, they only become more interesting and likable. From the moment they first appeared on my radar with their intense self-titled drone doom debut double album, I was sold. An album that I rated 10/10 and you can read that review here. Then, along came something different, but just as necessary, called ‘Convocation Upon the Ruin’, which saw Orme team up with Wreaths and take a more ambient approach. You can read a review of that EP here.

So, what now? What intensity does Orme have to offer this time? Heaviness. That’s a given, sure, but heaviness like what is on offer here? Be prepared to be obliterated by a cacophony of noise that combines the darkest of death and dankest of doom sounds.

With a thick riff that will send a shudder through the body, Orme announce themselves with mighty aplomb. If you’re in any doubt about the meatiness of their instrumental sound, it won’t take long for that doubt to disappear. Especially as the arrival of growling vocals gives the track an even darker taint.

Around the 6-minute mark, there’s a shift as the weight dissipates and Orme offer up a breathier style of vocals. There’s atmosphere here, and it’s abundantly clear that it’s going to ‘heavy’ up again, which it does. Oh, it really freaking does. The shift in savage tone is subtle, but notable, and it ensures Orme keep the attention fully focused on what matters, the enigmatic and eclectic experience that is this singular track.

Around the 12-minute mark, there’s another brief shift into dark locales with just a hint of melody. Then, what follows, is a trek into more post-like and psychedelic guitar sounds. The latter part of the EP (from around minute 15-16) becomes even more hypnotic, in a delightfully disturbing way. It really does beggar belief that Orme have not just managed to captivate for 24-minutes, but been immensely interesting and effectively challenging. It’s hard to call this immense piece of music the best thing they’ve done, because everything they’ve done has been the best, but it’s certainly a grand showcase of just some the incredible things they are capable of creating.

Unforgettable… again.

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Orme – No Serpents, No Saviours Track Listing:

1. No Serpents, No Saviours


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Orme – No Serpents, No Saviours (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 10/10
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