EP Review: No Tin Godz – No Tin Godz (Self Released)

Heavy metal with modern infusions of groove, three-piece band No Tin Godz will release their self-titled debut EP on the 8th of April 2022.

Who says you can’t dance to metal? No Tin Godz would like a word as they have the tracks to prove you wrong. Even with a gruff, in-your-face metal approach, such as found on the opening track I Walk Alone, the band prove to have an innate ability to dig into the brain matter and set up shop.

There might be an air of traditional metal about this EP but be under no illusions, it is also an EP you can groove, and groove hard too. Further proof coming from the catchy and sinister sounding We Are Zombies, and the grin-inducing rock-infused number that is Just Before Dawn. Both tracks have a chorus that will be stuck in your head for days after.

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The latter part of the EP features Different Day, where a bit of cowbell makes everything better and Hell Yeah, where No Tin Godz bring forth a spirited blast of good time metal to end this debut on a high.

Fun. Seriously fun.

No Tin Godz – No Tin Godz Full Track Listing:

1. I Walk Alone
2. We Are Zombies
3. Just Before Dawn
4. Different Day
5. Hell Yeah


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  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

No Tin Godz - No Tin Godz (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 8/10
User Review
8.28/10 (5 votes)