EP Review: My Favourite Nemesis – We Annihilate (Seek and Strike)

Finland’s modern metallers, My Favourite Nemesis, return with their crushing new EP, We Annihilate, set for release on 26th April via Seek and Strike Records.

Formed in 2017,  My Favourite Nemesis have actively gained a reputation in the Finnish modern metal scene as well as growing worldwide attention. That attention, and over two million streams probably helped too, led to them partnering up with American record label Seek & Strike. With passion, groove, catchy guitar riffs and vocal melodies, My Favourite Nemesis’ music has a wide variation of instrumental and vocal arrangements, which respects the elements of the more traditional and modern metal.

The spectacular live performance of My Favourite Nemesis has successfully convinced audiences in Finland and abroad. The band will head out on tour in the UK / Europe this spring which includes a spot at the prestigious Uprising Festival in the UK.

Here on We Annihilate, the band lay down a marker while showcasing the stunning dual lead vocals of Janne Piela and  Sanna Solanterä, all backed by a foundation of modern metal excellence in a sonic barrage of captivating hooks, melodies and fast-paced, hard-hitting songs.

My Favourite Nemesis is Janne Piela and Sanna Solanterä on lead vocals, Joel Aav on guitars, Janne Suominen on guitars and backing vocals, Santeri Shemeikka on bass and Valtteri Estola on drums.

My Favourite Nemesis - We Annihilate band

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We Annihilate comes with 5 brand new tracks on it and weighs in at around 21 minutes of metal starting with the title track, We Annihilate. A track that really introduces the band well if you aren’t familiar with them. The modern sound is instantly recognisable though, starting with a bit of guitar, chuck in a little effect and then drop the rest of the music – a familiar trick, but an effective one and we are underway. The song gets your adrenaline going early on with a nice riff, a prominent bass line and catchy drum beat – all carrying that metallic tint you get with modern metal and there is a hint of progressive in the timing too. The vocals kick in and they are deep and harsh, then a second vocal line joins, staying harsh but with a higher pitch and a bit more snarl.

I like that vocal trade off a lot and they pass the lyrics back and forth between them with lots of backing. The deep vocals back the higher one, the higher ones back the deep ones – it creates a really cool sound and is really well harmonised.

I also like the stop start riffing and the drums are really impressive. The song takes a sudden switch for the chorus, filling in the guitars and bringing clean vocals to make for a catchy chorus that has a touch of epicness to it. As the song progresses, the guitars evolve impressively, adding more and more lead guitar to accompany the riffs and violent vocals. The drummer gets a bit of a work out in the second verse, really upping the force and pace before we transition back into the very impressive chorus. Even more impressive this time is the transition out of the chorus directly into an absolute cracker of a solo that plays through to the end. Its a fiery start which carries on into A Paradox You Seek.

A song that gives you more of the same, but with a few extra elements. At it’s foundation though, My Favourite Nemesis continue to deliver punchy drums and metallic riffing. The chorus again kicks ass, brining in clean vocals to contrast with the harsh growls and screams of the hard hitting verses. Lead guitar lines get chucked in everywhere to really cement in the transitions and bridges. There often seems to be quite a bit going on, but it works and is exciting, not messy. Lots of echo on the vocals and an unexpected melodic slow down gives a little room for breather before the band come back for a pit disturbing breakdown of sorts. There’s not a dull moment.

Corporeal Husk and Chimera come next with the former really going hard with slamming riffs and vicious vocals right from the first second. I’m still loving these contrasting vocals, by the way and it’s really neat how, considering the heaviness of the start of this song, it soon transforms into a more melodic number with much cleaner verses. The ringing guitars and soaring singing really add some variety and majesty to We Annihilate. The song evolves nicely too with lead guitars and harsh vocals becoming more and more prominent. This is my favourite track so far.

Chimera is a catchy, grooving beast. The riffs are huge, the drums and bass slam and the vocals rip. It’s an instant headbanger and stays catchy and heavy throughout. Little moments of lead guitar and some backing vocals nearing the end offer your only rays of light in the meatiest and most straight up, in your face track here. My Favourite Nemesis close out We Annihilate with the longest track, just, titled Blind. While I still think Corporeal Husk held on to the title of my favourite track, Blind is the most expansive.

It’s a very full sounding track and sees the band utilise all of their considerable skills. Large sections of the song run at a slower tempo with more melody from the guitars. The vocals stay mixed, with clean vocals moving the verses on but harsh backing adding depth. This regularly transitions into more harsh vocals, then into deeper growled vocals, then back to cleans and this constant changing makes for a wonderful listen. There are still plenty of moments for headbanging, plenty of moments to let loose but the overall feel of this song is something more poignant and powerful. The chorus is strong and the lead guitars shine constantly in a track that flows wonderfully and really impresses.

It closes out a very impressive release from My Favourite Nemesis. I must admit, a little bit of me worries for bands that operate under broad genres like modern metal – we get between 10 and 30 albums or EPs a week to review that offer us the same sound and style so you need to be pretty good at what you do to stand out from the pack, or at least be good enough to become a part of that pack. Songs that deal with deep emotional and mental concerns, songs that utilise the contrast of vocals – it’s a sound of the current times but My Favourite Nemesis should have no issues rising to the top and being noticed.

They have a few differences in their sound that will help them stand out. The differing vocal styles is a real winner for me here. I love the contrast and it’s not just a contrast between harsh and clean, dark and light – it’s many different variations of harsh and clean with expert harmonising as well. The riffs are good, the drums are strong – all that’s a given though. Lead guitars are another strong spot for the band with some great soloing and melody added and there is enough variety across these 5 tracks to show the band have plenty of additional tricks up their sleeve. My Favourite Nemesis also seem skilled in song writing and flow which is another winner.

In all of the tracks, there is quite a lot going on, but it works and the structure of the songs makes for an exciting listen. You find your attention held throughout the whole of a track, and the whole of We Annihilate. My Favourite Nemesis look like having a big future ahead of them.

My Favourite Nemesis Links



  • Owner/Editor/Writer/YouTuber - Heavy Metal and reading, two things I have always loved so they are the two areas you will find most of my reviews. Post apocalyptic is my jam and I always have a book on the go and have for decades now. From a metal perspective, age has softened my inadequacies and I now operate with an open mind, loving many bands from many sub genres but having a particular admiration for the UK underground scene. In my other time, when not focused on Dad duties and work, I try to support the craft beer movement by drinking as much of it as I can and you will also find me out on the streets, walking. I love walking, I love exploring new places and snapping nature photos as I go.

My Favourite Nemesis - We Annihilate (Seek and Strike)

By Artist: My Favourite Nemesis

Album name: We Annihilate

  • The Final Score - 8.5/10
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