EP Review: Funeralglade – May The Funeral Begin (Inverse Records)

May the Funeral Begin is a 6 track EP from Finnish melodic death metal band, Funeralglade due to be released on August 18th 2017 via Inverse Records.

Funeralglade 1

A Bedtime Story: Bloodlust begins in things in a hail of riffs & furious vocals melodies. It’s not immediately attention grabbing but an epic sounding chorus (sort of) & killer drum beat pulls you in & by the end the head-banging will be in full flow.

The brutal style is kept up throughout Paincauser & Hollow. The former a crushingly heavy slab of meaty metal while the latter drops a bit more groove & melody into proceedings. The guitar work is particularly exceptional here.

The nice piano melody at the start of Death (Only Way Out) that leads into some twisty guitar play is a little bit too reminiscent of Children of Bodom but Shadow of Misery makes up for that slight mis-step.

Some of the best riffs & drumming heard throughout the EP makes Shadow of Misery the standout track. An absolutely belter of a tune with some great haunting background melody & exciting rhythm. A track that proves Funeralglade have a serious amount of talent within their ranks.

The EP ends on the soft & sorrowful sounding melody of Candance of the Aching Breath. A short, but sweet finish to a great piece of music. May the Funeral Begin is a satisfying & ear-pleasing listen, one that holds a lot of promise for the future of Funeralglade.

Funeralglade 2


Funeralglade – May the Funeral Begin Full Track Listing:

1. A Bedtime Story: Bloodlust
2. Paincauser
3. Hollow
4. Death (Only Way Out)
5. Shadow of Misery
6. Candance of the Aching Breath

You can pick up the album from Inverse Records store here & listen to Shadow of Misery on Spotify here. Check out Funeralglade over on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & SoundCloud.


  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Funeralglade - May The Funeral Begin (Inverse Records)
  • The Final Score - 8/10
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