Game Review: Tower Run (Mobile – Free to Play)
From regular mobile developer/publisher Voodoo comes Tower Run. Yet another bare bones, lacking in longevity, free to play offering that is stuffed with ads.
From regular mobile developer/publisher Voodoo comes Tower Run. Yet another bare bones, lacking in longevity, free to play offering that is stuffed with ads.
From OddBird Studios Inc comes Impeached! A game where you get to be president but not just any president. You are the new president of The United Republic of the People’s Territories of States and it’s time to make the country great again!
Super Salon is a free to play game where you ‘run’ a salon, taking care of the customers and upgrading your facilities to make it all the more appealing. Whereas once upon a time, you could expect a form of ‘shop management’, here it’s nothing but a bare-bones offering with a ton of ads.
A free to play game that is far more fun then any endless runner has any right to be, Into the Dead is a first person zombie horror game developed by PikPok.
A free to play game with some addictive qualities, Border Patrol comes from developer Homa Games. It would almost be a good free to play offering if it had more depth, longevity and didn’t spam you with ads.
Certainly up there as one of the easiest free to play games, what goodwill Drive Hills creates through a lack of pop-up ads it loses through a total lack of challenge.
Dumb Ways to Dash, takes the characters from the Dumb Ways to Die series and puts them in races similar to the likes of Fun Race 3D and more.
Having seemingly paid attention to the abundance of fake ads for free to play games, Lion Studios have a created a game based off these ads. Called Save the Girl, it is a free to play game and this review is for version 1.0.5.