Bloodstock 2023 Band Feature: Headpress

Bloodstock 2023 takes place from August 10th to August 13th. Across 4 stages, the festival boasts an incredible line-up that includes headliners Killswitch Engage, Meshuggah, and Megadeth. As always, we will be featuring some of the bands that will be playing this year’s festival. Giving you a rundown of who they are, what they’ve released, and what you can expect come August.

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Guess who is back!? It’s Headpress! 2022 was a major year for the Midlands-based extreme metal band that first formed in 1999. Yes, you read that right. Their drive and desire saw them enter the 2022 Stoke Metal 2 the Masses and, up against some hefty competition, they won the entire thing.

Which, of course, meant they had earned a spot on the festival line-up. Sadly, two days before the festival was due to start, Headpress were forced to pull out. An understandable, but disappointing end to the Bloodstock journey.

Or at least, that is what it could have been if it wasn’t for Bloodstock, their dedication to the New Blood, and Headpress’ determination to get to the festival, one way or another. They’re back to make up for last year, hitting the New Blood stage on the Friday of the festival.

Their groovy style of hardcore metal will make you stomp and gurn about the place. They have a ton of tunes to knock the sense out of a crowd, which includes latest single – Outlines. Bloodstock is not the culmination of the Headpress journey, it is the next step.

It’s going to be f**king brutal, but don’t take our word for it. We spoke to the band and asked them what it meant to be playing the festival this year. They had this to say:

We’ve attended as fans and watched hundreds of bands grace the stages across the years. And now we feel honoured to now be a part of the best UK festival bar none. It is the highlight of the music year for us. Friends, beers, new and old bands, with Bloodstock holding its own against Europe’s best!

We are very grateful to Simon Hall for giving us the opportunity, after having to pull out so late last year, and attendees can expect big riffs, groves, and hopefully a good pit!


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!