Band Interview: Weesp
Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life are pleased to bring you an interview with multi-rock and metal band, Weesp.
1. How did you get started as a band?
At the start of 21th century (2000-2002) Lex (Vocal) came up with idea to create a band.
His school friend Mike (Guitar) really liked this idea, even despite the fact that both of them couldn’t play any instrument or sing. Then a little bit later guys decided to look for a bass player through local newspaper and Mi (Bass) was found there.
In the beginning Weesp (in fact there were no Weesp yet) had bad luck with drummers, changed a lot them, but after another casting Gul (Drummer) became a perfect addition to the team in 2010.
Also Guys decided to improve their sound by adding some synth and that is why a twin brother of Mi – Stak (Synth) have joined the band in 2010. Gul and Stak have changed few bands before they became Weesp.
2. How would you describe your sound?
We made a long way to form a sound that we can call ours and we like recording process and we approach to it with a lot of care. It evaluates from album to album. This is a mixture of electronics, alternative rock, nu-metal, metal, post-metal with a bunch of synthesizers, clean vocals, dirty vocals, simply put, a big-big mix. Although in general it’s rather dark, it’s also very energetic and sincere. The lyrics impressions, world and people around, moments that shake us, that make us feel alive – common, but important things.
3. What bands/artists would you say have influenced your style of music?
When I was young I listened to all kinds of music (as I do now as well) – from gangsta rap to Metallica and Prodigy.
My own heroes are Iron Maiden, Cypress Hill, Nine Inch Nails and much more. But the musical influences of Weesp are a mix of musical heroes of all members, I’d say it is more in Tool and Deftones but with a modern look. Of course we discover new bands all the time. There are so many music we love. It’s inexhaustible source of inspiration.
4. Has the rise of YouTube & music streaming helped or hindered you as a band?
This is magic time for the artists, because anybody can use services like youtube or soundcloud as a springboard to success. You don’t need any label or contract to show your music and your skills. For sure there are no big contracts from music labels and success stories seen in those old movies anymore, but with a little luck and a lot of hard work – everything is possible and its possible to make everybody see your excellence.
By the way – here are few links to listen\download:
Spotify –
SoundCloud –
Itunes –
BandCamp –
5. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not making music?
Each of the members of course has other interests besides music.
Mi – our Bassist is fond of super low cars and builds his STANCE project and also runs his own IT company.
Mike has his own music school with like four hundred pupils.
I like to humiliate enemies in the Call of Duty playing online on my PS4, and Lex is a big fan of girlies =)
6. What are your future plans musically? Tours?
We are already at the final stage of preparing acoustic versions of some of our tracks.
Of course we will make a studio live session and write everything down to show to our listeners. Maybe even perform it during live stream. After that we start writing some new singles to film new videos for you, guys! And on top of it – a lot of live shows!