Band Interview: Gurt

Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life are super pleased to being you an interview with the mighty ‘party doomers’ Gurt! They released their latest album ‘Bongs of Praise’ on September 6th 2019 via When Planets Collide. An excellent listen, you can read our review here or watch the video review below.

1. Hello fellas! It’s pleasure to talk to you. How was the tour?

Hiya, The tour was INSANE, every show was jam packed. Dopethrone are such good friends it was like going on holiday with our family, and we had the new album and songs with us which were really well received so we are gagging to get on with some more shows!!

2. Any standout memories from it?

So many, but the Falmouth show needs a real shout out, it was the first heavy show of its type down there and was in a really cool art space called the ‘Fish factory’ we had loads of friends come down, saw the guys from Cybernetic Witch Cult in the crowd and played with ‘Monolithian’ which is always a pleasure.. it was a perfect show and we hope to come down there again.

3. The new album is here! It’s a brilliant release and in our opinion, your best work to date. Is it?

We think so, we continue to give no fucks, do our own thing, and play the music we love. Too many people get bogged down in the detail of genres and over think “the scene” too much. We are just 4 mates, playing music we like and we hope that comes through in the songs!

4. With a title like Bongs of Praise and many of the track titles, there’s no denying your tongue is firmly planted in your cheeks. For those who think you’re a ‘joke band’ do you feel the music does the speaking for you?

Yes we do, much of the stuff we do is not a “joke” we are just doing what we do. Stop overthinking music, taking yourself too seriously and just enjoy it and have a great time, that’s our ethos!

5. Do you have a personal favourite from the new album? A track you particularly love playing live?

Squidgy Black Slide is a banger! The breakdown at the end has been going down a treat when playing Live…. we just need a dance routine now!

6. It feels like everything is coming up ‘gurt’ right now. Are you noticing or is it ‘business as usual’?

The album has been out for nearly a week and the sales are more than we have ever done so we hope that’s a good sign, everything is done by us so its nice to see the interest peak from a few more people. But in terms of how we are as a band, its business as usual.



7. You’re in a horror movie being stalked. Who from the band is the ‘first victim’, the ‘final girl’, the ‘killer in disguise’ and ‘comic relief’?

Gareth’s the First victim (Obvs) , Bill’s the Killer, Spicy is the Comic Relief and Rich is the Final girl, FOR REAL!!

8. What does the rest of 2019 look like for Gurt? Any info about plans for 2020? We want you back at Bloodstock!

Show wise, we play RAGEFEST (Notts) in November and a Christmas Show at the Black Heart in London in December and that is it for 2019 as we have some big things coming in one members family life. But when 2020 hits we shall be celebrating 10 years as a band so want to do some anniversary shows and focus on getting some bigger festivals under our belt if all goes well….. we shall see so watch this space and help spread the love for GURT!


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  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!