Band Interview: Diseased Earth
Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life are pleased to bring you an interview with death/sludge metal band, Diseased Earth.
1. How did you get started as a band?
Diseased Earth started back in 2014 in the ashes of several local bands. we all kinda gravitated towards each other in the hopes of starting something new and heavy in our area
2. How would you describe your sound?
We call our sound death sludge. We take equal parts of sludge metal and mix it with a heavy death metal/grind influence. We try not to be trapped by the traditional confines of sludge.
3. What bands/artists would you say have influenced your style of music?
We all bring a lot of different influences to the band.
4. Has the rise of YouTube & music streaming helped or hindered you as a band?
Oh, it has helped. we are able to get our music out there to people who would have never been able to hear about us otherwise.
5. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not making music?
We each have a bunch of different hobbies and stuff that we enjoy. several members have other bands and like to stay active playing music.
6. What are your future plans musically? Tours?
Well, the pandemic currently has stalled any plans we have for shows and such right now. We are currently just writing and recording. We just released a new single, “Coven of Leeches” and are making plans to record more.