Album Review: Vultures Vengeance – The Knightlore (Gates Of Hell Records)

The wait is over…ten years into their career, Italian heavy epic metallers Vultures Vengeance deliver on the promise shown on their “Where the Time Dwelt In” and “Lyrids: Warning From the Reign of the Untold” EPs with their first full-length “The Knightlore”.

The album will be released on May 10th 2019 via Gates of Hell Records.

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The NWOBHM influences are strong here. Kicking off with the roaring heavy metal epic that is A Great Spark From the Dark. Riffing like it’s going out of business, high-pitched vocals and a sharpness that gives it an 80s feel. It’s an exciting, denim-clad, mullet wearing start and sets up the rest of the record nicely.

Which keeps the formula pretty much the same, to few complaints. The galloping rhythm of Fates Weaver, the fist in the air guitar riffing of Pathfinder’s Call and the blazing heat of the title track. The first half is solid gold heavy metal.

The second half hardly leaves us begging though. Lord of the Key’s singalong vocals and powerful guitar solo leading to a very ‘Maiden’ injection of pace. Dead Men and Blind Fates also drops a banger of a guitar solo too amongst the energetic metal showing before Eye of the Stranger stands heads above everything else by lifting the soul with its battle beat.

Finally, Chained By the Night ends a head-banger of an album in exactly that way. Head-bang as hard as you possibly can, you know Vultures Vengeance are!

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Vultures Vengeance – The Knightlore Full Track Listing:

1. A Great Spark From the Dark
2. Fates Weaver
3. Pathfinder’s Call
4. The KnightLore
5. Lord of the Key
6. Dead Men and Blind Fates
7. Eye of a Stranger
8. Chained By the Night



The album can be ordered over on Bandcamp.


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Vultures Vengeance - The Knightlore (Gates Of Hell Records)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
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