Album Review: Vision Master – Sceptre (Gates of Hell Records)

Featuring former Funerot members Dan Munro and Reuben Storey (Christian Mistress), Vision Master is an ode to heavy metal. They will release their debut album ‘Sceptre’ on August 25th, 2023.

Drawing from an imaginative sci-fi world, Vision Master are purveyors of classic heavy metal. Albeit with some intriguing twists on the formula, adding in darker, blacker and grubbier elements to make it fresher sounding. It’s a very appealing prospect, especially when it has quite an interesting concept.

Based around a futuristic world where a biological network sprawls across cities and xenon gas stores are the only hope for mankind. Bringing listeners to a mystical, sandstone throne with the power to probe the origins of mankind, ultimately asking the question: If you had the power to undo the petulant plague that is man, would you?

That is pretty damn cool and excitingly, it does come through, especially as the vocals are clean and clear. In fact, the whole album has a clarity that really allows the listener to get invested in what they are hearing.

With ten tracks on offer and with around forty-minutes of music, Vision Master take the listener on a fun journey of heavy metal sounds. Where the variety in rhythms keeps things interesting and the creativeness of the band sees them throwing out quality riff after quality riff. It’s one of those ‘fast-paced’ releases that keep the energy hot and it blazes by in a blur of head-banging gold. Far more fun than a sci-fi infused ode to heavy metal has any right to be.

A very strong debut release from this band. It will be interesting to see how they expand upon their vision going forward.

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Vision Master – Sceptre Track Listing:

1. Wolves In The Shadows
2. Wet Net
3. Gossamer Sky
4. Knife In A Velvet Glove
5. Walls Of Bone
6. Sandstone
7. Arc Terminal X
8. Dust Within
9. Beyond
10. Thin Veil


Bandcamp | Gates of Hell Records


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Vision Master - Sceptre (Gates of Hell Records)
  • The Final Score - 8/10
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