Album Review: She Burns Red – Out Of Darkness (Self Released)

Turning heads since the release of their 2020 acclaimed debut EP ‘Take Back Tomorrow’ (produced by Toby Jepson), Scottish rock band She Burns Red are finally ready to release their highly anticipated debut album. Called ‘Out of Darkness’, it will be released on September 15th, 2023.

Making a big statement from the start with the high-energy, groovy and anthemic sound of Touch, She Burns Red make it perfectly clear that this album is going to be something that gets the blood pumping. Especially when they follow that up with the rollicking Rise and Fall. The riffs in this track alone should make the hairs stand up on most listener’s bodies, full-stop.

Sounding thicker, with touches of melody, Killing Time has a more serious tone, but keeps the pace up so it feels livelier. Whereas Crosshairs takes some of its anthemic props from the world of American Southern rock. A delightfully infectious track with some added gruffness to the vocals and kick-ass guitar solo. Before Heavy is the Head demands you sing-along to its immense chorus.

She Burns Red are a talented bunch and make no apologies for the straight-forward rocking power of their music. It’s stuff that will have wide-spread appeal and that can only benefit them. Especially when this output includes tracks like Run and Stronger. The former, grungy and the latter, beautifully melodic.

Finally, there is Crack the Sky, a track with all the vim and vigour of a band on a creative high. Before this banger album closes out with one last big anthem in the form of the title track. Out of Darkness is track after track of anthems and it’s almost a guarantee that She Burns Red will turn a ton of heads once it’s made its way out into the world.

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She Burns Red – Out of Darkness Track Listing:

1. Touch
2. Rise and Fall
3. Killing Time
4. Crosshairs
5. Heavy is the Head
6. Run
7. Stronger
8. Crack the Sky
9. Out of Darkness


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

She Burns Red - Out Of Darkness (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 8.5/10
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