Album Review: Roswell – The Missing Frame (Self Released)

The Missing Frame is the latest release (2016) from Mexican punk/post-punk/metal band Roswell. Nine tracks that make allusions to the gothic, the death, broken hearts, suicide, alcoholism, drugs, fun, skating, friendship, religion & politics!

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Roswell impress instantly with their catchy beats and clean, clear vocals. The guitars do the screeching so it’s good to hear a more modern punk style of vocals even there is still plenty of snarl.

Lovers & Sinners is a decent start but Deathwish Inc is a serious step up in the bouncy, fun and foot-tapping stakes. Stepping just slightly into a more modern punk style, the combo of the rough production, vocals and upbeat melodies works wonders.

The same can also be said about the brilliant Amanda. Arguably the highlight of the entire album, its lower-tempo and softer vocals will put a huge smile on your face at first before some amazing guitar work takes over to close out the track.

The early punkier edge takes a bit of a backseat with Breathless & Blue (Chapter II). A mostly instrumental track that shows the range that Roswell has. Listening to this you’ll be amazed by just how varied & unique sounding it is.

The variety continues with the groove of The Lost Boys and metal scowl of The Curse of the Werewolf. The latter of the two turns the bass up & delivers some hefty death metal vocals that come as a surprise. It just about works thanks to the lighter tone of the rhythm.

The Missing Frame is certainly a unique listen. A wide range of tracks that are built around a core-punk sound. The result is truly memorable.



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Roswell – The Missing Frame Full Track Listing:

1. Welcome Home (Delilah & Alice Chapter I)
2. Lovers & Sinners
3. Deathwish Inc.
4. Ghoulia
5. Amanda
6. Breathless & Blue (Chapter II)
7. The Lost Boys
8. The Curse Of The Werewolf
9. Davenport (Final Chapter)

You can order the album over on Bandcamp and find out more about Roswell on Facebook.


  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Roswell - The Missing Frame (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
User Review
4.25 (4 votes)

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