Album Review: Putrid Defecation – Tales from the Toilet (Stadin Rec)

Originally envisioned as a one-man project in 2019, Slamming death metal newcomers Putrid Defecation has since evolved into a full band, culminating in their debut full-length album, ‘Tales from the Toilet’. The album will be released on January 17th, 2025, via Stadin Rec.

Are you prepared for some sphincter-loosening noise that is characteristic of the toilet slam genre? No, chances are you’re wondering what the actual f**k the ‘toilet slam’ genre is, and no-one can blame you.

Have you ever seen the 1996 film ‘Trainspotting’? Do you remember the bit where the character of Renton (played by Ewan McGregor) gets diarrhoea and must use the ‘worst toilet in Scotland’? Picture that scene, add even more turds to the mix, and then add a slamming death metal band soundtrack. That is how toilet slam can be summed up and Putrid Defecation are the gross embodiment of it. It’s slam but covered in faecal matter.

Seven tracks long, the start might be called Introduction to Constipation, but the heaviness shakes the bowels to such a degree, everything feels ‘loose’ afterwards. Putrid Defecation have arrived, and with them comes knuckle-dragging head-banging brutality like Airborne Backdoor Evacuation and Whirlwind of Excrement. The first half of the album not just making the listener feel that little bit dumber but inducing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

I know what you’re thinking… this review is just a chance for me to reference scat in ways that I normally wouldn’t get to when talking about music. Well, you’re right, but it’s also a chance for me to use as many different synonyms for poop as I naturally can. All while extolling the enjoyable virtues of Putrid Defecation’s relentlessly intense approach, and it is enjoyable. Provided you enjoy the taste of slam overall and don’t mind the occasional fleck of sewage.

There may be no single track on the album that sums it up better than Unremitting Hematochezia though. Violently heavy, regressive and chaotic, but with a groove that gets under the skin. This is the rare time that blood in your stool is welcome.

There’s no changes to the formula in the second half of the album either, but when the discharge is this potent, why would there be? The title track has fibre in it and is the highlight of the album, Impending Anal Leakage stinks to high heaven as it introduces a thrashy and hardcore-inspired edge, and Erfurt Latrine Disaster can be summed up as the figurative ‘drizzling s**ts’.

Doesn’t it sound so damn appealing?

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Putrid Defecation – Tales from the Toilet Track Listing:

1. Introduction to Constipation
2. Airborne Backdoor Evacuation
3. Whirlwind of Excrement
4. Unremitting Hematochezia
5. Tales from the Toilet
6. Impending Anal Leakage
7. Erfurt Latrine Disaster


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Putrid Defecation - Tales from the Toilet (Stadin Rec)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
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