Album Review: Portrait – The Host (Metal Blade Records)

Following up 2021’s acclaimed ‘At One With None’, Sweden’s Portrait return with their sixth album ‘The Host’, the first album to feature guitarist Karl Gustafsson as part of the bands’ line-up. It will be released on June 21st, 2024, via Metal Blade Records.

Photo Credit: Stefan Johansson

On a creative high, and seemingly reinvigorated, Portrait’s brand of heavy metal darkness takes a conceptual direction on this new record. A first for the band, the story takes place in 17th century era Sweden and revolves around an unnamed protagonist who, because of his experiences with the injustice and hypocrisy of this world, decides to seek truth and strength through its’ Adversary.

A story wrapped up in the unmistakable sound of heavy metal, albeit warped by the dark vein that runs through this band. You’ll feel delightfully evil listening to it, but also more than happy to head bang to some hefty heaviness.

It’s a big album too. Featuring fourteen tracks, many of which pass the five-minute mark, and one of which pass the eleven-minute mark. It’s safe to say that Portrait entering conceptual territories got their imaginations racing, and what they offer is a generous helping of lovable heavy metal sounds.

Happily, they’re on fine form here, so fatigue never sets in as the record goes on. Even when a track or two is found lacking, it’s still high bar stuff, and always interesting. From the moment the intro of Hoc Est Corpus Meum sets the scene, The Blood Covenant gets the heart racing and the head banging with its big riffs, The Sacrament showcases an exciting level of anthemic value with rockier vibes, and Oneiric Visions takes things to a more ‘Mercyful Fate’ level with some seriously high vocals, this album is exciting.

There’s a lot more to come though, and things reach their peak with the blend of galloping rhythms, powerful vocals, and dramatic tempo shifting that makes up Treachery. Complimented by a bit more mania from the following Sound the Horn, Portrait sounding their wildest, but still proving to be distinctively and infectiously metal.

Their creative powers are still on full display as the album moves into its latter stages. Delivering more and more enjoyable bangers like Voice of the Outsider and Sword of Reason. Leading to that eleven-plus minute finale, The Passions of Sophia.

So, what do Portrait do with that time and are they able to keep the listener engaged after so much music already? Well, what they do is take their time, add an epic edge to their melodious ways, get groovy, and provide even more ample reasons to head bang until it hurts. It’s a big ending that doesn’t feel out of place, even with the lengthier runtime and more drawn-out elements.

The year is 2024 and Portrait continue make music that matters. The Host is another top release from a band who continue to find new and innovate ways to express their metal ways.

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Portrait – The Host Track Listing:

1. Hoc Est Corpus Meum
2. The Blood Covenant
3. The Sacrament
4. Oneiric Visions
5. One Last Kiss
6. Treachery
7. Sound the Horn
8. Dweller of the Threshold
9. Die in My Heart
10. Voice of the Outsider
11. From the Urn
12. The Men of Renown
13. Sword of Reason
14. The Passions of Sophia


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Portrait - The Host (Metal Blade Records)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
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