Album Review: Oath – Legacy (Self Released)

Oath is the solo project of Steven Waddell, guitarist from Scottish NWOTHM act Tantrum. Blistering guitar solos, heavy riffs and melodic harmonies all inspired by the early days of classic British heavy metal. For fans of Thin Lizzy, Angelwitch, Diamond Head, Praying Mantis.

The debut full length from Oath is finally here! Legacy is an evolution in sound from the EP “Legion” & sees a more real approach to lyrics. Each song acting as a tribute or a life lesson to those closest to the author. This is Steve Waddell’s most personal work to date and it will be released on January 1st 2020.



Happy new year! Getting us started with what will no doubt be another incredible year of rock and metal is Oath. New year but very old year sound, Legacy is unashamedly inspired by the yester-year of classic British heavy metal. Something that can never be seen as a bad thing especially if it sees the quality of the head-bangers that we get here unleashed.

For all its riff-tastic, finger-bleeding fret-work and ear-drum rupturing soloing, what really makes Oath’s Legacy stand out is the personal touch. The lyrical approach taken by Steven Waddell makes tracks like Arrow Through the Heart, We Are the Blind and No Regrets have so much more impact.

That being said, it would be doing Steven Waddell a dis-service if we didn’t say just how incredible a guitar player he is. Naturally his skills are front and centre as they should be and regardless of if he’s shredding away or delivering some melodic rhythm, he kills it.

Legacy is a grand start to the year although if we had one criticism, it’s that the drumming lacks impact and at times sounds like it’s being played on buckets. Seemingly more of a problem with production then anything else, perhaps to try and capture the sound of heavy metal from 40 years previously.

Oath – Legacy Full Track Listing:

1. Blinded By The Sun
2. Arrow Through The Heart
3. The Architect
4. We Are The Blind
5. Golden Warrior
6. Electric Gypsy
7. Back From Attack
8. No Regrets


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Oath - Legacy (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
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