Album Review: Nordic Giants – Origins (Self Released)

Nordic Giants, the enigmatic musical duo known for their captivating soundscapes and immersive live performances have solidified their place in the alternative music scene through a rich history of sonic innovation and visual storytelling. A cornerstone of Nordic Giants identity is their mesmerising live performances, which over the last decade have earned them a devoted global following. Combining live instrumentation, visuals and theatrical elements, their shows are akin to a religious experience, transporting audiences to otherworldly realms.

Released on 7th June, ‘Origins’ invites audiences to embark on a voyage of discovery, delving deeper into Nordic Giants past. This brand-new release will combine three of the very first Nordic recordings – A Tree As Old As Me (EP), Speed the Crows Nest (Single), Shine (Single), plus a bonus track, onto one compilation album. However, this compilation offers the listener a new experience, with many of the original recording sessions being revisited and many of the main instruments re-recorded, re-mixed and re-mastered, giving the songs a whole new lease of life. A re-birth and celebration into the Origins of Nordic Giants.

While it is true that to fully understand and appreciate what Nordic Giants do, you must experience them visually as much as you must sonically. Combined, what they do is more immersive than ever, but that doesn’t mean their releases are found lacking. It’s all about your willingness to let their unique alternative sound trickle through your mind. Allowing it to flood, until you’re fully submerged in the dynamic, radiant, and fresh excellence of what they do.

Origins serves as so much more than just a compilation album. It is the perfect entry point for those unaware of who and what they are. It’s the perfect opportunity for those with cursory knowledge to see where they came from and how they have developed over time. Long-term fans will eat up the re-recorded, re-mixed, and re-mastered aspects, but new fans will eat up the sparkling, enigmatic, and emotive soundscape of something that truly can be called unique.

Featuring eight tracks overall, Origins is a substantial release both in length and value. The latter of which comes from how much heart and soul it has. When I say this album will make you feel, I’m not being hyperbolic. There may not be many tracks as beautiful as Glass Skinned Girl, not just on this album, but on any album period. The haunting melody, the deeply affecting atmosphere, and the softness of Freya’s guest vocals will send a shiver down your spine.

It’s a very special track, but it’s one of eight special tracks that offer variety and creativity by the truckload. For example, Through A Lens Darkly puts strong piano melody at the forefront, until the last two minutes where it explodes with blinding brass-infused enthusiasm. Then there is the darker, moodier, and more vigorous Shine, which features guest vocals from Jake Reid.

Two more examples of the brilliance of Nordic Giants. Be immersed and be richly rewarded for your investment. Happily, with music this creative, clever, and captivating, it’s so easy to give Nordic Giants the time and room to do this.

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Nordic Giants – Origins Track Listing:

1. Together
2. Speed the Crows Nest
3. Glass Skinned Girl (feat. Freyja)
4. Through a Lens Darkly
5. Shine (feat. Cate Ferris)
6. The Seed (feat. Jake Reid)
7. B.O.A.T.S (feat. Amdine)
8. Dark Clouds Mean War (Rework)


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Nordic Giants - Origins (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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