Album Review: Million Moons – I May Be Some Time (Ripcord Records)

He slept through the night before last, hoping not to wake; but he woke in the morning – yesterday. It was blowing a blizzard. He said, ‘I am just going outside and may be some time.’ He went out into the blizzard and we have not seen him since…We knew that poor Oates was walking to his death, but though we tried to dissuade him, we knew it was the act of a brave man and an English gentleman. We all hope to meet the end with a similar spirit, and assuredly the end is not far. – The diary of Robert Falcon Scott, March 17th, 1912.

Inspired by the final words of Antarctic explorer, Captain Lawrence Oates and his selfless act of sacrifice, ‘I May Be Some Time’ is the new album from London based instrumental post-rock trio, Million Moons. It will be released on July 5th, 2024, via Ripcord Records.

While they might not be the first to be inspired by the incredible story of Oates and that Antarctic expedition, they might be the first to use it for a full album concept. Across seven glorious, emotional, and epic pieces of music, Million Moons capture feelings of hope, despair, bravery, and so much more.

An atmospheric start, the melody transforming into a stout heavy rock sound, is what greets with Terra Nova. The journey is just beginning, and the sense of the wonder coming from the unknown is strong. This flows powerfully into Uncharted Waters, where Million Moons’ instrumental power explodes with virulency. The dramatic melodies paired with chunky riffs and backed up by a crashing percussion section is fabulous. Again, the imagery comes easy, with the feeling of adventure being replaced by a sobering sense of reality that this journey is fraught with danger. Drink in this moment though and dare to dream.

It’s difficult to pick out one highlight over another, as each track is fantastic and it’s an album you need hear in full to really appreciate. However, if there is one that stands out a little more, it’s Voice of the Wild. Where an instant dopamine hit of post-rock instrumentation fills the mind with joy, before some of the most beautiful melodies ask you to stop and take a breath. As it goes on, Million Moons expand the breadth of their imagination, showcasing an unbelievable level of beauty, emotion and heavy rockiness that just makes this genre of music so special.

You can feel the icy chill in the air, the numbness in your fingers and toes, see the barren landscape untouched by human hands, hear the wind as it howls around you, and know that you’re Intruders in a Strange World. Million Moons’ ability to capture this is staggering, and this track is one of the finest examples of that.

Then, allow yourself to feel as deeply as possible, as the best word to sum up the title track might be ‘haunting’. It could also be ‘gorgeous’, ‘heart-wrenching’, or ‘extraordinary’. Unsurprisingly, it’s one of the most melodically charged efforts of all, with a thick vein running all the way through it, but the immense eruption that hits around the halfway point is the moment this track becomes one of the best things heard this year.

Endure, Overcome. Not just the title of the penultimate track, but a mantra that keeps a person moving on even when all hope seems to be lost. Where Million Moons push the tempo to faster, more frantic, places. It’s one of the more urgent tracks on the album, and the perfect piece to sit in between the previous title track, and the following finale of Aurora. This closing effort being a prime example of how much comfort can be found from Million Moons’ post-rock sound. You will be able to picture sitting on a rock, staring at the colours in the sky, completely at peace with yourself and the world. Even in this frozen landscape, a tear may very well drop from your eye.

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Million Moons – I May Be Some Time Track Listing:

1. Terra Nova
2. Unchartered Waters
3. Voice of the Wild
4. Intruders in a Strange World
5. I May Be Some Time
6. Endure, Overcome
7. Aurora


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Million Moons – I May Be Some Time (Ripcord Records)
  • The Final Score - 10/10
User Review
10/10 (2 votes)