Album Review: Lord Dying – Clandestine Transcendence (MNRK Heavy)

Portland progressive sludge masters Lord Dying return with the next part of their planned trilogy of albums surrounding existential meditation on death. Called ‘Clandestine Transcendence’, the new album continues the narrative centred around the character that the band calls The Dreamer and what happens beyond death. It will be released on January 19th, 2024, via MNRK Heavy.

I called 2019’s Mysterium Tremendum, the most musically diverse release that Lord Dying had ever sent out into the world. It’s been nearly four years since that record was released, and a lot has happened in between, and as much as things have changed, Lord Dying’s ability to deliver diversifying music hasn’t. Clandestine Transcendence is a triumphant release, filled with powerful purpose, and open to much interpretation.

As expected, it’s an album that genre-bends to a large degree, and while it might sit under the umbrella of progressive metal, it’s far from the defining feature. Lord Dying blend exceptional soundscapes while also capturing moods and feelings in ways that defy cynicism and criticism of the progressive term. From the moment The Universe is Weeping transitions from sombre melody to erudite heaviness, this album has a firm grip on the mind.

A grip that tightens as I AM NOTHING I AM EVERYTHING earns its all caps style by being Lord Dying at their most extreme sounding. It oozes dark atmosphere, feels punitive, but commands an immense amount of power. This is where you get the sense of defiance of The Dreamer when it comes to the great beyond.

The more you invest the mental energy in keeping up with the journey and story, the more extensive it feels. From the frantic energy of Unto Becoming that comes from a strong guitar and drum combo, to the manic heaviness of Final Push into the Sun, to the wildly weird rock progressiveness of Dancing on the Emptiness, and the emphatic growl and gurn of Facing the Incomprehensible. By the halfway point, Lord Dying have given listeners more thrills and eccentricities that a lot of bands manage in a full album.

That being said, it is one hell of an investment, coming in at around an hour long, and having zero skippable moments. It’s far too easy to be invested, even when its just instrumental melody, as found on A Brief Return to Physical Form.

Investment that is constantly paid off as the time spent in the company of The Dreamer, as they go on this metaphysical and metaphorical journey, is unforgettable. Especially as there is no limit to Lord Dying’s creativity, showcased by the progressive wonder of A Bond Broken by Death and the dramatic approach to melody that comes from Break in the Clouds (In the Darkness of Our Minds).

That Lord Dying could even match 2019’s Mysterium Tremendum, is one thing, but to better it? That’s truly unbelievable. Yet, the proof is in this album and spread across 12 tracks. Tracks that continue to delight, mystify, and impress as Soul Metamorphosis challenges the senses with it heavy ebbs and melodic flows. Then there is the galvanising Swimming in the Absence, before thick sounding bass, dramatic vocals, and an impressive chorus ends in the album in captivating fashion.

The progressive metal bar has been well and truly set for 2024, and few are even going to come close to touching it, such is the high quality of Clandestine Transcendence.

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Lord Dying – Clandestine Transcendence Track Listing:

1. The Universe Is Weeping
3. Unto Becoming
4. Final Push into the Sun
5. Dancing on the Emptiness
6. Facing the Incomprehensible
7. A Brief Return to Physical Form
8. A Bond Broken by Death
9. Break in the Clouds (In the Darkness of Our Minds)
10. Soul Metamorphosis
11. Swimming in the Absence
12. The Endless Road Home


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Lord Dying - Clandestine Transcendence (MNRK Heavy)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
User Review
9.5/10 (1 vote)