Album Review: I Miss You, C……. – Catalina (Tragedy Productions)

Born from loss and the desperate need to find a new path through a life reduced to a wasteland of sorrow, I Miss You, C……. is the creation of multi-instrumentalist David Cofré. Comprised of four atmospheric DSBM based tracks (plus two additional demo tracks for the physical release), the album ‘Catalina’ will be released on April 7th, via Tragedy Productions.

The soft sound of wind greets on I: C, the opening epic of this album. After two minutes of this, the sharpness of blackened rawness enters the fray and in an instant, the sense of sorrow and pain is heard and felt. This track is over fourteen minutes long and makes you feel like you’ve been spun around in a tornado of misery. One that has harsh and horrible elements but puts the main focus on emotion so that even at its heaviest and most intense, it breaks through and punches you directly in the soul.

It should be impossible to follow such a gargantuan effort but I Miss You, C……. is only getting started. Setting the senses aflame with a showcase of suffering on II: A, that is as beautiful as it is heart-wrenching. It takes an inspired artist to close out a track like this with nearly three minutes of unsettling melody.

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It’s III: T next and here, we get one of the album’s most unnerving atmospheric periods as an ominous intro builds (for nearly four minutes) to a cacophony of black metal. The most abrasive and aggressive point of the entire album. It oozes dark threat, but is layered with melodies in interesting and exciting ways. Once again, it’s a simply stunning piece of music.

Which means IV: A is the finale and what a finale it is. Where ringing guitars and melody capture the imagination, ready for an explosive assault of blackened intensity, before the second half says goodbye with soft strums and deepening atmosphere. Arguably, the album’s most experimental and polarising effort.

Of course, should you find yourself holding the physical edition of this album, you will have an additional two tracks to enjoy. Two demos that show how much refinement went into the final product. A ‘nice to have’ but not necessary inclusion. It’s all about the four tracks that make up Catalina and they absolutely must be heard.

I Miss You, C……. – Catalina Track Listing:

1. I: C
2. II: A
3. III: T
4. IV: A


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I Miss You, C....... - Catalina (Tragedy Productions)
  • The Final Score - 8.5/10
User Review
8.5/10 (2 votes)