Album Review: Grief Symposium – …In The Absence of Light (Church Road Records)

…In the Absence of Light is the debut album from monolithic dark metal titans, Grief Symposium. Out on the 27th of January 2023 via Church Road Records.

A much-anticipated record, thanks to the high-quality singles that have been released so far. Grief Symposium deal in darkness and genre-bend heavily, dealing in esoteric soundscapes that blend doom, death, and black metal. Then, cover it with a mind-melting level of gloomy atmosphere.

If that sounds like a thrill ride, you’re 100% correct. …In the Absence of Light is a triumphant release of grim, imaginative, and horror-laden heaviness. The unrelenting power of the opener Among Dead Gods setting the bar extremely high, early on.

Take a god-damn deep breath, it’s needed, because Temple of Decay is a frenzied slice of chunky nastiness. The hyperactive heaviness is one thing but the sickening descent into crawling chaos is another. Before In the Shadow of the Sleeping Monarch coats the atmosphere on thickly. Grief Symposium’s doomier side really exploding with virulency here, but there’s also some unexpected melody too. The latter portion of the track is downright transcendent.

Darkness then pours from Veil of Transformation, as though a tap direct from the deepest and blackest corner of Hell has been turned on. Grief Symposium showcase misery and heaviness in equal measures, taking things to an even higher extreme as the track goes on. The pounding drum beats, the filthy riffs and demonic vocals are the stuff nightmares are made of.

Followed then by the band showcasing an unending supply of misery on the hard-hitting Descent Into Pandemonium. Though, this is also a track with more melody, showing some varied development and experimentation.

Esoteric Mirrors’ clattering of monolithic instruments, feverish bursts of viciousness, and chilling melody keeps things exciting as the album reaches its twilight stages. Before Grief Symposium close out this exceptional debut record with the unbelievable finale of The Amber Kiss of the Sun.

Unbelievable because it’s over 18-minutes long, unbelievable because it doesn’t feel anything like that long, and unbelievable because it is such an effective listen. It’s 18 minutes of ambient and atmospheric dread and wonder, delivered in equal measures. It’s exceptionally listenable, with spoken-word segments that really make the experience all the more powerful.

It takes a very brave band to end their album like this, and most would fail. Not Grief Symposium though. Talk about inspired. Not only does it work so well as an ending, but it’s the culmination of an experience that can simply be called, stunning.

Anticipation was high, yet Grief Symposium have gone beyond hopeful expectations. Delivering one of the finest albums likely to be released this year.

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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Grief Symposium - ...In The Absence of Light (Church Road Records)
  • The Final Score - 10/10
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