Album Review: FesterDecay – Reality Rotten To The Core (Everlasting Spew Records)

After releasing demos, splits and singles, the Japanese gore-revivalists FesterDecay serve up an album of rotting and gory grindcore with ‘Reality Rotten To The Core’. Out on the 24th of February 2023 via Everlasting Spew Records.

The debut album from FesterDecay can be simply summed up as ‘sickening’. It is grindcore at its filthiest and most festering sounding. Downright offensive to the ears in some regards. Yet, there’s something so appealing about this noise. The 14 tracks of Reality Rotten To The Core give off a pungency that turns the stomach and dulls the senses.

Putrid intensity that varies in length, from as little as 44 seconds to nearly four minutes. The homicidal intensity of FesterDecay comes in many forms, but never fails to deliver gore-encrusted and blood-drenched delights.

There’s no selling this album to detractors of this style, aside from promising that you’ll remember this album long after it finishes. It’s for fans of extreme metal, fans of the sound of figurative putrefaction, and fans who like their music to assault them with blunted brutality.

However, it doesn’t follow all the conventional rules of grindcore either. Notable in the diverse tempos, death and thrash metal influences, and eccentric touches of head-banging groove. It’s all there and it certainly makes the album much more notable because of these elements.

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FesterDecay will make a splash with this album, it just so happens to be into the filthiest waters possible.

FesterDecay – Reality Rotten To The Core Track Listing:

1. Rotten Fester Decay
2. Hash The Tongue
3. Fall In Grind
4. Disintegration Of Organs
5. Aborticide
6. Stench Of Decay
7. Psychopharmacist
8. From The Dark Tomb
9. Exposing The Skin Tissue
10. Carcasses’ Revenge
11. Cryptic Wounds
12. Liquidized Gallbladder
13. Scum’s Karma
14. Reconstruction Of Malignant Miasma


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

FesterDecay - Reality Rotten To The Core (Everlasting Spew Records)
  • The Final Score - 6.5/10
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