Album Review: Fate’s Hollow – The Heir Apparition Part I – Broken Crowns (Mosaic Music)

Fate’s Hollow present their debut album, ‘The Heir Apparition Part I – Broken Crowns’, out on September 3rd, 2024, via Mosaic Music. The first half of a double concept album, ‘Broken Crowns’ is a narrative-driven collection of songs following the story of a young Prince through his death, rebirth, and revenge on the man who killed him. Part I introduces us to the world and people of this universe, beginning with the Prince’s betrayal at the hands of a close ally, through the aftermath of his death, and ending with his resurrection.

A very ambitious release, the build to this had many suspecting that Fate’s Hollow were going to release something special, but upon hearing the full thing, it’s well and truly confirmed. As challenging as it is fascinating, its sound can be categorised as ‘rock’, but the reality is that this album spans a wide array of genres. Where even calling it progressive or experimental, which it is in plenty of places, seems too simplified.

Doing a fantastic job of setting the scene and building anticipation, Fate’s Hollow gets the blood pumping in the veins with Mors Non Est Finis, which transitions perfectly into The King and the Killer. It’s here that the more creative sounding side of Fate’s Hollow emerges with their dynamic instrumental base creating tons of excitement and the impressive vocals telling the story with aplomb.

It’s a layered track and one that captures the imagination of the band nicely. Whereas the following Child of Fortune offers up something more anthemic. Albeit from an alternative direction and with plenty of thrilling experimental guitar touches. Then there’s Evil Things, a more intense and shadowy listen, especially from a vocal perspective. Before Lost Stars takes things past the halfway point in a gloriously liberal way. Fate’s Hollow have a sound, but god-damn, are they both willing and capable of twisting it in memorable ways.

The first half of the album blazes by in extremely immersive fashion, but there’s no lulls to be found as The Turning Knife and The Sum (Mother) deliver varying degrees of elaborate and eclectic rock music. The latter, and its modernised alternative spin on pop punk/punk rock, is a particular highlight. Its chorus is one of the album’s best and the latter half will make you feel ten feet tall.

Forever was always to going to struggle to follow that but to be fair, Fate’s Hollow do a good job of helping the mind move past it with a vigorous blast of bouncy rock groove. Then, and finally, it’s The Dancers in the Dark and a finale that has a ton of heart and soul. The melody is pretty, the vocals deliver the emotional lyrical content in style, and the fact that Fate’s Hollow avoid ‘rocking it up’ proves to be an inspired decision. It leaves a sad smile on the face, even if the sense of satisfaction from this incredible album is so strong.

Fate’s Hollow have arrived and delivered a mighty fine record. Until we meet again.

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Fate’s Hollow – The Heir Apparition Part I – Broken Crowns Track Listing:

1. Mors Non Est Finis
2. The King and the Killer
3. Child Of Fortune
4. Evil Things
5. Lost Stars
6. The Turning Knife
7. The Sum (Mother)
8. Forever
9. The Dancers in the Dark


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Fate's Hollow – The Heir Apparition Part I - Broken Crowns (Mosaic Music)
  • The Final Score - 8.5/10
User Review
8.03/10 (3 votes)